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Self Check.词汇运用。A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1She was dressed in pink(粉红色) at the party.2What a fine autumn morning! Lets go on a picnic(野餐),OK?3In the film Alice in Wonderland,a rabbit(兔子)took Alice into the Wonderland.4I think nothing else in the world is more valuable(有价值的) than my parents love.5We are raising money for a physics laboratory(实验室) in a Hope Middle School.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6Wolves(wolf) are usually friendly and helpful to each other when they live in groups.7Two trucks(truck) came to pick us.8If you stay up too late,you will feel sleepy(sleep) in class the next day.9Some policemen(policeman) were searching the house for useful clues(线索)10Some model teachers were invited to_attend(attend) the meeting.把下列句子改为同义句,每空一词。11Im sure there is somebody in the room. There must be somebody in the room.12Do you know whose the bike is? Do you know who the bike belongs to?13J.K.Rowling is her favorite writer. She likes JK.Rowling best of all the writers.14Its impossible that Nick has been to the Great Wall.来源:gkstk.Com Nick cant have been to the Great Wall.15They did not find anything strange in the park. They found nothing strange in the park.完形填空。Taos is a small town in New Mexico,USA. Many people come here for a visit every year. They dont come to see the beautiful scenes(景色) _16_ eat delicious food. They come to listen to a kind of_17_ sound: the Taos Hum.The word “hum” _18_ a low sound that never stops._19_ is the sound strange? First,the Taos Hum that people hear is quite _20_Someone says it sounds like a little bee flying around you.Others think it sounds like a car _21_ in a faraway place.Second,_22_ knows where the sound comes from.Joe Mullins,a scientist from the University of New Mexico,is one of the first persons to do _23_ on the hum.He put some instruments in places where people could hear the hum,but those instruments couldnt “hear” any hum! Others who wanted to find the hum _24_,too.Many people try to _25_ that strange sound. Someone says it is a _26_ made by insects. Someone believes it must come from some secret projects. Someone says there _27_ be an underground UFO base! But no one is sure which is _28_It might be interesting for _29_ to listen to the hum,but it is not for people who live in the town. They have to hear the sound _30_ .That is really a hard life.来源:学优高考网(C)16.A.so Bbut Cor Dif(B)17.A.awful BstrangeCsweet Dmusical (A)18.A.means Breports Cpronounces Drequires(D)19.A.What BHow CWhen DWhy(C)20.A.low Bsimilar Cdifferent Dhigh(A)21.A.moving BreachingCrepairing Dstopping(C)22.A.anybody BeverybodyCnobody Dsomebody (D)23.A.discussion BbusinessCinvention Dresearch (A)24.A.failed BsucceededCavoided Dcompleted (B)25.A.carry BexplainCproduce Dreceive(C)26.A.rule Brole Cnoise Dcircle (A)27.A.might Bwould Cneed Dshall来源:gkstk.Com(B)28.A.low Bright Cfair Dlocal(D)29.A.teachers Bpilots Cpatients Dvisitors(A)30.A.all the time Bon timeCanother time Donce upon a time.阅读理解。Most scientists agree the Great Sphinx of Giza was built around 2,500 BC.But John Anthony West says that its much older.If hes right,“everything anybody has learned about ancient civilizations(文明) would have to be completely revised,” he told a magazine.West,a writer and filmmaker,first got interested in ancient history after studying the work of a French researcher.The researcher said Egyptian civilization could have developed as early as 30,000 years ago,rather than 4,500 years ago,as most experts believe.West joined a scientist to do research together.Their research suggested that the Sphinx had been worn down(磨损) over the years by water,rather than by sand and wind.Wait a minute? Water? How could that be? The Sphinx is the Sahara Desert,which has been dry for 12,000 years! However,before that time,it was very green.If its true that water wore down the Sphinx,West thinks that it must have been built centuries earlier.Whether West is right or wrong,its important to challenge accepted ideas.Thats how science progresses.West gave some advice for kids: If you are interested in a topic,read everything you can on it.Do your own research.Dont always believe everything your teachers tell you.Ask lots of questions,and find your own answers.来源:gkstk.Com(C)31.What does the underlined word “revised” in the passage mean?AControlled. BConnected.CChanged. DCreated.(A)32.Most scientists believed Egyptian civilization developed _A4,500 years agoB6,000 years agoC12,000 years agoD30,000 years ago (B)33.From Wests research,we can know the Sphinx was worn down by _Aheat Bwater Csand Dwind (D)34.What does the fourth para
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