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I 词汇填空。(共15小题)1. 很坏的(adv.) _2. suggest (n.)_ 3. advantage (反义词) _4. 懊悔 (v.)_ 5. fail(反义词) _6.尴尬的 (adj.) _7. 评论(n.) _ 8. hate(同义词)_ 9. 惭愧的 (adj.) _10. 使生气(adj._11.情况 (n.)_12. 尽管 (conj.)_13. 规定饮食 (n.)_ 14. mess(adj.)_ 15. careless (n.)_II 词组英汉互译(共10题)1. 节食_ 2. 建议做某事_3. 嘲笑_ 4. 对感到惭愧_5. drive sb. Mad _ 6. be none of ones business _7. hear from _ 8. be out of place _9. make a mess _ 10. 说某人坏话_III词汇选择。(共20题) ( ) 1.He suggested having a picnic next Sunday.A. advice B. advise C. put forward an idea of ( )2.There is a lot of rubbish near the building and the smell is awful. A. wonderful B. terribly C. very bad ( )3. The noise from the factory drives me mad.A. sad B. pleased C. very angry( )4. Its impolite to laugh at disabled people.Aplay jokes on B. smile at C. made fun of( )5. Though she is thin, yet she is still on a diet A. Thought B. Because C. Although( ) 6. I regret not saying anything A. feel nervous B. feel sorry about C. feel afraid( )7. She hates eating fish. A dislike B unlike C doesnt like( )8.Im sorry to hear that he failed the exam. A. passed B. didnt past C. didnt pass( )9.I hope to _ your letter soon. A. hear from B. receive C. reply ( )10._ of the students is able to answer the teachers question.A. None B. No one C. Nobody( )11. My sister is _. Sometimes I am _ with her.A annoying , annoyed B. annoying, annoying C. annoyed, annoying( )12. You should learn to deal with the problem in an _ situation.A. embarrassing B. embarrassed C. embarrass( )13. A traffic accident happened because of his _.A. careless B. carefulness C. carelessness( )14. I will eat less in order to lose _.A. weight B. weigh C weighed( )15.I saw him _the table in his room.A. lying B. laying C. lie( )16. Mrs Smith is always smartly_. A. worn B. put on D. dressed( )17.The _woman is sent to the hospital. A. sick B ill C. illness( )18.It was a_thing to tell him the truth. A. wrong B. mistake C. fault( )19.Tom is an_.A. seven-year old boy B. seven years old C. eight-year old boy( )20.Could you please tell me _ I should do? A. how B. what C. whenIV 课文重难点句子翻译。(共10小题)1. 我看到有位女士躺在街上。她看起来病得很严重。_ _2. 当我在学习的时候,她有弹钢琴的习惯,并且她总是不问我就拿我的东西。_ _3. 我必须和我七岁大的妹妹共用一个房间,她让我受不了!_ _4. 我很担心我的朋友Jolin。_ _5 虽然我想去帮助她,但是我的朋友让我不要去帮她。_ _6我妈妈让我戴着这丑陋的牙箍是个错误。_ _7.我看不到戴上牙箍的任何好处。_ _8. 她总是节食,但任何时候我跟她提到这事,她就生气。_ _9. 他们嘲笑这位生病的女士是很差劲的,我很遗憾自己什么话也没说。_ _10. 我为自己感到很羞愧。在这样的情形下,我该怎么做?_ _V 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(共20小题)1. Alice, can you give me some _ (suggest) about how to improve my writing? - Well. I suggest _ (ask) John for advice. He always does well in writing.2. Simon died because of a moment of _ (care) while he was driving yesterday. - Im sorry to hear that! We should drive _ (care) at any time.3. Why did she get _ (annoy) with me suddenly? - Because you asked her age. Its _ (polite) to ask someones age.4. Have you _ (hear) from your father? - Not yet. And his mobile phone has been out of service for a few days. That drove me even _. (mad)5. I regretted _ (tell) you the bad news. You look so sad now. - It doesnt matter. Everything has its advantages and _. (advantage)6. Do you have a habit of _ (read) newspapers on the metro? - No, I dont think its a good habit _ (read) newspapers on buses or metros.7. Its an _ (awful) day, isnt it? - Exactly! Im _ (awful) sorry about the problem.8. Do you often offer _ (help) with the housework at home? - Never. I hate _ (do) the housework.9. How many _ (exam) will we take this afternoon? - Only one, but I feel _ (worry) about it because I am not g
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