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Unit 1Can you play the guitar?Section A (1a1c)根据句意及图画内容,填写单词或短语,每空一词1Jim can _ _ well.2The two friends often _ together(一起)3I like to _ .I want to join the music club.4Lets _ this afternoon.来源:gkstk.Com5My uncle can _ _ _ .单项选择1Can you _?Aplay pianoBspeaking EnglishCplay the soccerDplay the guitar2She _ sing,but she can dance.Adoesnt BisntCcant Ddont3My sister cant _ in the river.来源:学优高考网Asing BrunCswim Dplay4Can you play soccer?_.Its hard.AYes,I canBNo,I cantCNo,I canDYes,I cant5They are Americans,but they can _ Chinese.Asay BtellCspeak Dtalk根据所给的提示词,连词成句。标点符号已经给出1play,the,you,can,guitar_?2sing,can,my sister,dance,and_.3join,I,to,the,want,art,club_.来源:学优高考网gkstkSection A (2a3c)从方框内选择适当的单词完成句子drawwellplayjoinclub1He wants to join a _.2Rick likes basketball.He plays it very _.3Can you _ the piano?4Do you want to _ the music club?5What club does he want to join?He can _.He wants to join the art club.完成句子,每空一词1你会做什么?_ _ you do?2我想参加音乐俱乐部。I want to _ _ _ _.3我会讲故事。I can _ _.来源:学优高考网gkstk4放学后我能和您谈谈吗?Can I _ _ you _ _?5我们学校的唱歌俱乐部需要两名歌手。We _ two singers _ our school _ _.从方框内选择适当的句子补全对话AI want to join the chess club. BWhat club do you want to join?CCan you sing? DDo you want to join the club?ELets play it now.A:Hi,Li Lei.1_B:I want to join the music club.来源:gkstk.ComA:Oh.2_B:Yes,I can.I can sing well.3_A:No.4_ I can play chess well.B:I can play it,too.A:Really?5_B:OK.参考答案 Section A (1a1c)1play chess2dance3sing4swim5play the guitar1D2C3C4B5C1Can you play the guitar2My sister can sing and dance3I want to join the art clubSection A (2a3c)1club2well3play4join5draw1What can2join the music club3tell stories4talk to/with;after school5want;for;singing club1B2C3D4A5E=
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