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随堂练习(Unit 9)Section AI. 英汉互译。1. curly blonde hair _2. short straight hair _3. medium height _4. a little _5. good-looking _6. 看起来像 _7. 中等身材 _8. 乌黑的长发 _II. 用be或have的适当形式填空。1. Mary _ tall and thin.2. I _ curly hair.3. Tom _ of medium build.4. Tony _ short and _ brown hair.5. Does Kate _ yellow hair?III. 写出各句中画线部分的反义词。1. Is she tall?No, she is _.2. My aunt doesnt have short hair. She has _ hair.3. Is her hair curly or _?4. My father is thin, but my uncle is _.5. I dont like the ugly boy. I like the _ girl.Section BI . 画一画1. _ He has a mustache.2. _ He is tall and heavy.3. _ He has a long white beard.4. _ She is thin and has long straight hair.5. _ She is heavy and wears glasses.6. _ She has long curly hair.7. _ She has short straight brown hair.8. _ She has short curly black hair.9. _ He is of medium build.10. _ He is very short.II. 补全单词。Look at the man. He is Yao Ming. He is t_(1). He has s_(2) black hair. He doesnt w_ (3) glasses. I think he l_ _ (4) cool. Do you know the woman next to him? Yes, she is Li Wen. She isnt tall. She has long curly b_ (5) hair. She isg_ (6).Self Check选择恰当的句子完成对话(有两项多余)。A. The one with glasses.B. What does she do?C. Is she your English teacher?D. She has long straight hair.E. What does she look like?F. How old is she?G. We all love her.A: Do you know Miss Zhang?B: Sorry, I dont know. (1) _A: She is a teacher.B: (2) _A: She is good-looking. (3) _B: Look! Who is that girl over there?A: Which one?B: (4) _A: Oh dear! She is Miss Zhang! My new teacher! (5) _参考答案见:随堂练习(Unit 9)参考答案Section AI. 1. 金色的卷发 2. 直直的短发 3. 中等个头 4. 一点儿 5. 漂亮的 6. look like 7. medium build 8. long black hair II. 1. is 2. have 3. is 4. is, has 5. haveIII. 1. short 2. long 3. straight 4. heavy 5. good-looking / beautiful / prettySection BII. 1. tall 2. short 3. wear 4. looks 5. black / blonde 6. good-lookingSelf Check15 BEDAG
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