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1,Literature Reading & Translation,Unit 4,2,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese,using the technique of omission.,(1) The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others.,(2) These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources.,Ours:真正的快乐就是与别人同乐。,Keys:与人同乐才是真乐。,Ours:这些发展中国家地域辽阔,人口众多,自然资源丰富。,Keys:这些发展中国家土地辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。(地大物博,人口众多),territory:领土;版图 encompass:包含,3,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese,using the technique of omission.,(3) The KODAK Fiche reader 321A is easy to operate, versatile, compact and has a pleasing modern design.,Ours:柯达321A型胶片阅读器操作简便,通用,紧凑并且有和谐的现代设计。,Keys:柯达321A型微胶片阅读器操作简便,功能齐全,结构紧凑,造型美观。,versatile:通用的;多面手的 compact :紧凑的;简洁的 pleasing:令人愉快的;合意的,4,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese,using the technique of omission.,(4) Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man.,Ours:对科学知识的探索,带来的实际结果是使人能够保护自己免受自然灾难和人为危害。,Keys:人类对科学的探索,对知识的寻求,其结果是使自己具有了躲避天灾人祸的能力。,shield:防御;保卫;避开 calamity:灾难;不幸事件 impose:强加;欺骗;征税,5,(5) There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness.,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 1. Put the following sentences into Chinese,using the technique of omission.,Ours:他一点都不轻率或不安,反而显得沉着友善。,Keys:他从容不迫,和蔼可亲。(他举止不慌不忙,十分友好。),haste:急忙;轻率 restlessness:坐立不安 poised:泰然自若的;沉着的,6,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,(1)Trademarks are federally registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office of the Department of Commerce.,(2)When a trademark owner applies for registration,the office will examine the application to see if the mark meets the conditions of federal law.,Ours:商标由美国联邦商务部的专利和商标局登记注册。,Keys:商标是由美国联邦商业部的专利与商标局登记注册。,Ours:当商标拥有者申请注册时,该局会审核这个申请判断该商标是否符合联邦法。,Keys:当商标所有者申请注册时,该局对申请进行检查,看该商标是否符合联邦法律。,7,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,(3)One important condition is that the trademark is not confusingly similar to a mark previously registered or used in the United States.,Ours:根据1996年的修订法案,著名商标的拥有者可以设法防止类似商标的使用,即使是不相关的产品。,Ours:一个重要的条件是该商标不能和之前在美国已注册或使用过的商标混淆或类似。,Keys:其重要项目之一是该商标不能混淆于以前在美国已登记注册或使用过的类似商标。,(4)Under a 1996 revision to the law, the owners of famous trademarks may seek to prevent use of similar marks, even if used by unrelated products.,Keys:根据1996年的修订法案,名牌商标拥有者可以设法阻止他人使用类似的商标,即便是将其用于非相关产品也不行。,revision:修正;修订本 seek to:追求;设法;试图,8,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,(5)On approval of the application, the trademark is published in the official gazette to enable any objections to be heard in an opposition proceeding.,(6)If a registration is granted, it lasts for ten years and may be renewed at ten-year intervals for as long as the trademark is still in use.,Ours:政府在批准申请时,该商标会刊登在官方报纸上,以便能听到各种不同的意见。,Keys:政府在批准注册的同时,要将商标公布于官方报纸,以便能够听到各种不同的相反意见。,gazette:公报;报纸 objections:反对意见 opposition proceeding:异议程序,Ours:如果商标注册通过了,它就可以持续十年,只要商标仍然在使用,商标可以每隔十年重新更新一次。,Keys:商标已经正式注册,便可连续使用十年。而且只要该商标仍在继续使用,就可以每十年再次重新注册。,renew:更新;重新开始,9,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,(7)Once a federal registration has been obtained, the owner may give notice by using the symbol next to the trademark.,(8)Anyone who uses a mark so similar to a registered trademark that it is likely to cause customer confusion is an infringer and can be sued in a state or federal court.,Ours:商标拥有者一旦获得联邦注册,就可以在商标旁边使用的标志。,Keys:商标拥有者一旦获得联邦正式注册,便可在自己的商标旁注上符号。,Ours:侵权是使用与注册商标类似的标记,并可能引起消费者误解的行为,这种行为可以被州或联邦法院起诉。,Keys: 任何人使用与注册商标类似的标记,并由此可能会混淆顾客识别力的做法叫做侵权,会受到州法院或联邦法院的起诉。,infringer:侵权人 sue:控告;请求,10,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,(9)In deciding whether there is infringement,the court compares the conflicting trademarks as to similarity in sound, appearance, and meaning, and compares the similarity of the goods and services.,Ours:在判断是否为侵权行为时,法院会比较两种商标的声音、外观、意义,以及商品和服务之间的相似性。,Keys: 法院在确定是否有侵权行为时,要对相关商标从声音、外形、以及意义等方面进行比较,还要比较其商品及服务的相似性。,11,Keys: 其它相关因素还包括有争议的双方的商品是否通过类似的销售渠道售给类似的顾客,以及商标的知名度等。,(10)Other relevant factors include whether the competing parties goods are sold to similar customers, through similar channels of trade, and the fame of the marks.,Ours:其他一些相关因素主要包括争议商品是否通过相似的渠道销售给相同的消费者,以及商品的知名度。,Keys:商标侵权不同于专利侵权或版权侵权。商标侵权的唯一界定标准是看它是否可能会混淆顾客的识别力。,(11)Unlike patent or copyright infringement, trademark infringement is defined solely by the likely confusion of customers.,Ours:与专利和版权侵权不同,商标侵权是通过是否引起消费者误解来判断的。,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into Chinese.,12,Reflections and Practice(2),. Translation 2. Put the following passage into
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