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12莎士比亚与汤显祖之比较The Comparison Between Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu3 人性的黑暗一面(双城记 )The Dark Hall of Human Nature (The Tales of Two Cities)4罗伯特福斯特的诗歌风格探讨The Discussion of Robert Frosts Poetic Style5 呼啸山庄中爱与恨的对立和交融The Opposite and Unity of Love and Hatred in Wuthering Heights6艾米莉狄更生的世界Amfly Dickensons World7 红字中的冲突The Conflicts in The Scarlet Letter8对老人与海中圣地亚哥的性格分析A General Character Analysis of Santiago in The Old Man and the Sea9查尔斯狄更斯与马克吐温的写作特点比较A Comparison of Writing Styles Between Charles Dickens and Mark Twain10苔丝与现代女性之间不同的纯洁标准之比较A Comparison Between Different Standards of Purity: Upon Tess and Modern Women11简评儿子与情人Brief Comment on Sons and Lovers12恋爱中的女人的自我完善与宽容关于红字Womens Serf-Improvement and Generosity in LoveAbout The Scarlet Letter13 呼啸山庄中希斯克利夫的转变The Change of Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights14卡斯特桥的末日性格与偶然的结合The Doom of CasterbridgeThe Combination of Character and Coincidenee15恶棍还是受害者简析威尼斯商人中的夏洛克Villain or VictimA Brief Analysis of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice16从格列佛游记看人类的善与恶The Good and Evil of Humanity in Gullivers Travels17 了不起的盖茨比中的象征主义The Symbolism in The Greal Gatsby18 了不起的盖茨比中美国梦的崩溃The Decline of American Dream in The Great Gatsby19嘉莉妹妹的本能Sister Carries Instinct20美国的犹太文学The Jewish Literature in America21嘉莉妹妹的悲剧分析An Analysis on the Tragedy of Sister Carrie22女人的幸福评傲慢与偏见The Happiness of WomenComments on Pride and Prejudice23评飘Comments on Gone with the Wind24亨利在其短篇小说中的艺术表现手法2HenryS Artistic Skills in His Short Stories25 罗马和希腊神话中的女神Goddesses in Roman and Greek Myth26:美国文学中的现实主义Realism in American Literature27狄更斯与现实主义Dickens and Realism28拓荒和创造文明的英雄重新审视鲁滨孙飘流记A Hero Who Opens Up Wasteland and Creates CivihzationNew Views on Robinson Crusoe29美国作家塑造的女主角Heroines Created by American Writers30爱与痛一评荆棘鸟Love and PainComments on The Thorn Birds31希腊神话对后来文学的影响The Effect of Greek MythologY on the Later Literature32弗吉尼亚伍尔夫作品中的女主角Heroines in Virginia WoolfS Works33西方文学作品中几个吉普赛人物的分析An Analysis on Several Gypsy Characters in Western Literary Works34希腊神话中的英雄The Heroes in Greek Myth35宗教依附文学丽生Religion Lives in Literature36弗吉尼亚伍尔夫作品分析The Analysis of Virginia Woolfs Works37对哈姆雷特中莎士比亚经典独白的研究The Study of Shakespeares Famous Soliloquy in Hamlet38评弥尔顿诗歌中的圣经人物Comments on Biblical Characters in Miltons Poems39海明威和老人与海Hemingway and The Old Man and the Sea40 太阳照常升起中的人物分析An Analysis of the Characters in The Sun Also Rises41评美国梦 Comments on American Dream42 了不起的盖茨比中所反映出的重大社会问题The Signiilcant Social Problems Reflected in The Great Gatsby43 红字爱并没有罪The Scarlet LetterLove Is Not Evil44奠瑞尔太太的情感悲剧The EmofionM Tragedy of MrsMorel45 红字中的人际关系Interpersonal Relationships in The Scarlet Letter46吕贝卡名利场中的反英雄角色RebeccaThe Anti-Hero in Vanity Fair347海明威的英雄主义Heroism of Hemingway48罗密欧与朱丽叶和梁祝之比较A Comparison Between Romeo,Juliet and Liang Zhu49.评莎士比亚的著作Comments on Shakespeares Works50霍桑对隐私的态度Hawthornes Attitude Towards Privacy51苔丝时代悲剧的必然产物TessA Doomed Subject of an Epic Tragedy52黑夜对美国文学的影响The Influence of Night on American Literature53盖茨比的美国梦的普遍意义The Universal Meaning of Gatsbys American Dream54.罗伯特福斯特与白居易Robert Frost and Bai Juyi55福斯特诗歌中的自然影像The Natural Image in Frosts Poems56:了不起的盖茨比中的色彩象征The Syrabolism of Colors in The Great Gatsby57生存还是为主宰而战野性的呼唤所反映的杰克伦敦对生活态度的研究A Struggle for Survival or for Mastery?一 On Jack Londons Attitude Towards Life Reflected in The Call of the Wild58不同的社会背景不同的命运郝丝特与苔丝之比较Different Fates in Different Social BackgroundsA Comparison Between Hester and Tess59 老人与海中的时间与永恒Time and Timelessness in The Old Man and the Sea60海明威的英雄人物身上体现出的“绝望勇气”之精神分析The Psychoanalysis of “Despairing Courage” Embodied by HemingwayS Heroes61吕贝卡与简爱之比较A Comparison Between Rebecca and Jane Eyre62爱伦坡散文中的诗歌语言The Poetic Language of Allen Poes Prose Writing63在简爱中所反映的夏洛蒂勃朗特对爱情的态度Charlotte BrontS Attitude Towards Love in Jane Eyre64战争后的创伤:太阳照常升起中主要人物的比较The Traumas after War:The Comparison of the Major Characters in The Sun Also Rises 65爱与婚姻:评斯佳丽在飘中的爱情生活Love and Marriage:Remarks on Scarletts Love Life in Gone With the Wind66 论“火、水”在西方文学中的深刻含义On Profound Meaning of “Fire” and “Water” in Western Literature67 汤姆叔叔的小屋中的基督教理念 Christianity in Uncle Toms Cabin6819 世纪两位伟大的美国诗人Two Great American Poets in the 19th Century469 汤姆索亚历险记马克吐温想像中的童年 、The Adveentures of Tom SawyerChildhood in Mark Twains Imagination 、70对财富、权力、地位的过分追求七角楼所反映的霍桑对人性心灵深处罪恶的探讨Excessive Desire for Property,Power ,and StatusEvil in the Human Heart Explored by Hawthorne in The House of the Seven Gables 71 格列佛游记中讽刺艺术的分析 、The Analysis of Swifts Satiric Style in Gullivers Travels72 织工马南所表现的进步意义The Progressive Meaning in Silas Marner73 一首为善者的颂歌夏谘蒂的惟善观分析A Song of Praise for the VirtuousOn Charlottes Attitude Towards Virtue74简爱的性格弱点分析The Flaws in Jane Eyres Character75:狄更斯在双城记中的局限性Limitations of Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities76希斯克厉夫的复仇动机The Motives of Heathclif
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