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附件一:会议日程Attachment: agenda/schedule会 议 日 程 agenda中国2010年上海世博会第一次参展方会议The First Participants Meeting of Expo(exposition),2010,Shanghai,China参展方:Exhibitor会议地点:东锦江索菲特大酒店2F锦祥礼堂Location: Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel2006年11月15日(星期三)第1天Wednesday, Nov.15, 2006 Day One 上午Morning09:00 到达会场,登记、领取会议资料 Arrival, registration, picking up meeting kits.09:25 汉民副局长主持会议 Meeting chaired by Zhou Hanming, Vice/Deputy Director of Expo 2010 Business Coordinated Bureau.Associate professor 副教授09:30 杨市长致开幕辞(10分钟) Opening speech/keynote by Yang Xiang, Deputy Major of Shanghai(10m.). 09:40观看世博会形象片(5分钟) watching Expo image video/film(10m.)09:45 国展局秘书长致辞(10分钟) Speech by Mr.Locertales, Sectary General of BIE(Bureau of International Expositions)(10m.).09:55华总代表致辞(10分钟) Speech by Hua Junduo, commissioner general of the Chinese government(10m.).10:05茶歇(15分钟)(2F门口) Tea break(15m.)(2f Entrance). Doorway也是门口的意思,但范围相对来说相当局限。10:20钟副主任作世博会组织架构和筹备工作情况报告(30分钟) Report on the organizational structure and preparatory progress of Expo 2010 by Zhong Yanqun, Deputy Director of the executive committee( of Expo 2010).10:50 健之副局长作世博园区总体规划报告(60分钟) Report on overall/general plan of Expo park by Huang Jianzhi, Deputy Director12:00 工作午餐(自助) Work lunch(buffet)地点:东锦江索菲特大酒店B1F春申苑 Location: Shanghai Spring restaurant, BIF, Sofitel Jin Jiang Oriental Hotel.
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