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1Topic 2Section AThe main activities are 1a and 3.本课重点活动是 1a 和 3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: take photos,row, skate 2. Learn can and cant for ability and inability: (1)Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkangs birthday party? Yes, I can.(2)Can you play the guitar?No, I cant.(3)Can you dance?Yes, I can.(4)Can you take photos?Yes, I can.(5)I cant sing any Chinese songs. Teaching aids 教具实物卡片挂图录音机. Five-finger Teaching plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10 分钟)1.(让学生以小组为单位,复习以前学过的动词短语。 )(学生四人为一小组,列出已学过的动词短语,看哪一小组写得最多。 )T: Work in groups. Write as many verb phrases as you can. Lets see which group can write the most phrases. One phrase one point. Now, lets begin.(每组写完后,派一个代表向全班同学汇报,然后老师把这些词组板书在黑板上。 )play basketball 打篮球 play football 踢足球play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴(画出得分表。 )PointsGroup 1Group 22.(老师出示一个篮球。引出情态动词 can。 )T: Whats this in English?Ss: Its a basketball.T: Right. I like basketball very much. I often play it on the playground after school. I can play it very well.(老师做打篮球的动作。 )can(modal v)能;会(用来表示具有做某事的能力)23.(询问学生最喜欢的体育活动,引出 cant。 )T: Which sport do you like best?S1: I like football best.T: Great! I like football, too. But I cant play it.Can you play football?S1: Yes, I can. I can play it well.cant (can 的否定式)4.(老师拿出一把吉他。 )T: Whats this?Ss: Its a guitar.(老师弹下吉他,但发出的声音很糟糕。 )T: Oh, its terrible. Who can play the guitar?S2: I think I can play the guitar. Let me try.(让该同学为全班弹奏一首歌曲。 )T: Its wonderful. She can play the guitar very well.5.(老师拿出一部照相机。 )T: Whats this in Chinese?Ss: Its 照相机。T: Yes, its a camera(照相机) . We can use it to take photos. OK, the whole class smile. Let me take a photo.T: Wang Peng, can you take photos?S: Yes, I can.No, I cant.take photos 照相;拍照6.(老师做一个迪斯科或芭蕾舞的动作。 )T: What am I doing?Ss: You are dancing.T: Aha! I can perform balletdance the disco.Who can perform ballet?Can you dance?(让同学上台表演,活跃课堂气氛。 )perform ballet 表演芭蕾舞dance the disco 跳迪斯科7.(下周六是 Kangkang 的生日,让同学们讨论自己表演的节目。 )T: Next Saturday is Kangkangs birthday. We plan to have a birthday party for him. I think I can sing an English song at Kangkangs birthday party. Talk about what you can do at the party. Work in pairs like this: S1: Can you sing Chinese songs at Kangkangs birthday party?S2: Yes, I can. What about you?S1: I cant sing any Chinese songs. I can only sing English songs.S2: .(让学生借助黑板上板书的动词短语,同桌对话,互相问答。 )T: Stop! What can Jane and Maria do at Kangkangs birthday party? Lets listen to the tape carefully and answer the questions.(过渡到下一步。 )Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5 分钟)(设置并板书听力任务。 )3T: Now, listen to the tape and answer the following questions.Can Jane sing Chinese songs at the party?Can Jane dance the disco?Can Maria play the guitar?Can Maria take photos?(听录音,回答问题。 )sing Chinese songs sing English songs dance the disco perform ballet play the guitar play the piano sing Happy Birthday take photos(将关键词写黑板上,呈现出 1a。 )Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5 分钟)1.(老师放录音 1a,示范让学生跟读,用铅笔标重读与语调。 )T: Follow the tape and draw up or down with your pencil like this.2.(老师让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。 )T: Rub them clean and now read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence.Go!3.(人机对话,即学生和录音机对话。 )T: You are Maria, listen to Jane and make a dialog with her.4.(看第二步呈现黑板上的关键词: 学生两人一组表演 1a,小组竞赛。 )T: Work in pairs, close your book, look at the blackboard and act the dialog out. The pairs who act best get two points. The better pairs get one point.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15 分钟)1.(让学生听 1a 的录音,然后填表格。 )T: Listen to the tape again and check what they can do.2.(让学生做 1c Pair work。 )T: Work in pairs. Talk about what you can do at a party. Compare your answers with your partners.3.(让学生听课文 2 的录音,完成表格。 )T: Listen to the tape carefully. Find out what they can do and what they cant do, then fill in the chart.4.(老师在黑板上画一幅图。 )T: Look! I can draw a picture, but not very well.S1, can you draw?(让 S1 同学到黑板上画画,并引导他回答。 )S1: Yes, a little.Yes, a little.是的,一点儿。5.(老师拿出篮球,和一个女同学做对话。 )T: Can you play basketball?S2: Yes, very well.Yes, very well. 是的,非常好。46.(老师拿出一个足球,让一个女同学表演。 )T: Can you play football?S3: No, not at all.No, not at all.不,一点也不会7.(让学生做 3 Pair work。 )T: Look at the pictures in 3. Ask and answer in pairs like this: A: Can you dance?B: Yes, I can.Yes, a little.Yes, very much.A: Can you draw?B: No, I cant.No, not at all.8.(让学生做 4。 )T: Read 4 and complete the conversation.9.(核对答案,并请同学表演,进行小组竞赛。 )T: Now check the answer. Work in pairs, then act the dialog out.Step 5 Project 第 5 步 综合探究活动(时间: 10 分钟)1.(做调查,并在班上汇报。 )T: Make a survey and complete the chart. Then report it to your class. Put a for can and a for cant.What can your classmates do?Name Swim Draw Sing DanceLi Ling2.(学生成立自己的俱乐部。 )(此活动为小组活动,目的在于培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,培养学生动手能力。 )(将全球同学分成六组,其中三组是应聘人员,其他三组为招聘组,每组负责一个俱乐部,并公布招聘结果。 )Example: (Group A 是音乐俱乐部,Group B 是运动俱乐部,Group C 是乐器俱乐部。 )招聘组: What can you do, Michael?Michael: I can play the pi
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