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一、单项选择题(共 10 道小题,共 100.0 分) 1. Because sheep _ meat and wool, they are valued in many countries.A. produces both B. both produce C. produce both D. both produces 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: C; 标准答案: C得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 2. The waves _ high and the wind howled.A. rose B. risen C. arose D. raised 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 3.4. I _ his offer, but I didnt _ it.A. receive.accept B. receivedaccepted C. acceptedreceived D. receivedaccept 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: D; 标准答案: D得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 5. The postal _ is very unreliable in this country because postmen are constantly on strike.A. information B. service C. management D. protection 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 6.7. Although your offer for the house is $200 below the asking _, theyll probably accept for the sake of a quick sale. A. cost B. price C. value D. amount 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 8. Brazilian coffee is usually _ by ships because this way is cheaper.A. transported B. transmitted C. transferred D. traded 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 9. The new mayor must deal with many _ problems.A. superficial B. complex C. good D. happy 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 10. The plan _ the cooperation of young and old.A. puts B. keeps C. gets D. involves 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: D; 标准答案: D得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 11. She _ her old car for a new model as soon as she had won the money.A. exchanged B. got C. did D. sent 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 12. This booklet _ the committees functions.A. defines B. sets up C. goes D. gets 知识点: Newassignment1学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 一、单项选择题(共 10 道小题,共 100.0 分) 1. It may take years for the ship to be _ to its former glory.A. removed B. returned C. recovered D. restored 知识点: Unit2assignment学生答案: D; 标准答案: D得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 2. I shall _ the address you made at Brighton on Friday.A. quote from B. double C. calculate D. count 知识点: Unit2assignment学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 3. The iron and steel works _ five million tons of iron and steel every year.A. produce B. produces C. producing D. to produce 知识点: Unit2assignment学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 4. I _ his offer, but I didnt _ it.A. receive.accept B. receivedaccepted C. acceptedreceived D. receivedaccept 知识点: Unit2assignment学生答案: D; 标准答案: D得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 5. Although your offer for the house is $200 below the asking _, theyll probably accept for the sake of a quick sale. A. cost B. price C. value D. amount 知识点: Unit2assignment学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 6. The workers _ a fair wage for their work.A. appealed B. campaigned C. asked D. demanded 知识点: Unit1assignment学生答案: D; 标准答案: D得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 7. There is a great demand _ eggs.A. on B. about C. for D. to 知识点: Unit1assignment学生答案: C; 标准答案: C得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 8. She thought the painting was of little _, so she let me have it for only ten pounds.A. cost B. value C. price D. expenses 知识点: Unit1assignment学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 9. As he had a science degree and varied experience in _ technology, he found a good job in a communications firm.A. transportation B. engineering C. nursing D. printing 知识点: Unit1assignment学生答案: B; 标准答案: B得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示: 10. This booklet _ the committees functions. A. defines B. sets up C. goes D. gets 知识点: Unit1assignment学生答案: A; 标准答案: A得分: 10 试题分值: 10.0提示:
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