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石棉论文:在全球化环境下对中国石棉行业发展的研究【中文摘要】由于经济发展水平和科技文化知识普及状况所限,我国公众对石棉这种矿物质和石棉行业知之甚少。石棉是一组天然纤维状的硅酸盐类矿物的总称,曾经被认为是一种神奇的矿物质,应用已有数千年的历史,用途十分广泛,其石棉制品或含有石棉的制品有近 3000 多种,为 20 多个工业部门所应用。然而,由于极其微小的石棉纤维飞散到空中,被吸入到人体的肺后,经过 20 到 40 年的潜伏期,很容易诱发肺癌等肺部疾病,国际上有两大阵营关于“温石棉对健康影响、如何安全使用以及禁与不禁”的激烈争论已经持续了近40 年,到目前仍没有定论。因此,本文首先从石棉的基本概念介绍开始,使用了大量详实的数据和资料,客观地分析了石棉危害的原因和石棉病在全球的现状,深入地调查和研究了全球五大洲石棉和石棉制品工业发展历程与趋势、生产消费状况和有关的石棉政策法规。通过研究我们可以看出,在新的替代品在性能和价格上都无法能够完全取代石棉的材料的情况下,石棉市场需求仍然有一定的市场,在欧美等西方发达国家消费量大量下降的同时,全球的石棉消费已转移到发展中国家,特别是亚洲。我国是当前世界上石棉第一消费大国,第二生产大国和第二储备大国,近十年来我国石棉生产与市场需求发展增速很快。因此,本文在对我国石棉矿业和石棉制品企业进行了详细地调查,分析研究我国石棉工业目前的发展现状和存在的问题。在参考借鉴国外已有的研究成果基础上,客观、公正地评价我国石棉产业, 指出了今后石棉工业发展前景,提出了我国要发展石棉工业应采取的对策和建议。笔者认为,对于石棉消费国,最重要的是国家如何加强立法和执法力度,进行产业结构调整,规范行业管理,严格控制粉尘,紧固石棉纤维,使石棉的危害降到最低,达到石棉利用最大化。此外,对于石棉使用国也要加大科技投入,在开发新的替用品的同时,进行石棉消除的研究工作,保护人类健康和环境,实现可持续发展。【英文摘要】People have little knowledge of asbestos and asbestos industry in China because of the level of economic development and limited scientific knowledge. What is asbestos? Asbestos, once regarded as a miracle mineral, is a set of six naturally occurring silicate minerals exploited commercially for their desirable physical properties, which has been used for thousands of years. Currently, there exist nearly 3000 asbestos products or asbestos-containing materials, used in more 20 industries. However, it may cause lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other serious diseases in those who have inhaled its extremely tiny fibers in the air, after 20 to 40 years of the incubation period. There is still no conclusive result despite almost 40 years of the controversy of “asbestos hazard” in the world.Therefore, this paper first introduces the basic concept of asbestos, and objectively analyzes the reason of asbestos hazards, and the fact of asbestos disease around the world through tremendous data and materials. The article also researches the development and trend of the global asbestos industry, the situation of asbestos production and consumption, and asbestos-related policies and regulations. Through the research we find that the demand for asbestos is still huge before some new material can completely replace asbestos in terms of cost-effectiveness and usefulness. At present, the global asbestos consumption has shifted to developing countries, especially in Asia while the asbestos consumption of American and other western developed countries has declined dramatically.China has the highest asbestos consumption, the second largest production, and the third largest reserve in the world. Asbestos production and demand have been growing very quickly during the past decade. Therefore, this article investigates and analyzes the mining of asbestos, asbestos products, the current development and problems of the asbestos industry in China. Meanwhile, the author points out the future prospects and proposes some measures and suggestions for the development of Chinas asbestos industry through the study of global asbestos industry.In authors opinion, the most important is how to restructure the asbestos industry, strengthen the related legislation and law enforcement, strictly control dust, tighten asbestos fibers, and increase scientific and technological inputs, in an effort to minimize the hazards of asbestos and to maximize the use of asbestos. In addition, government should also increase investments in science and technologies, research asbestos abatement, protect human health and the environment for sustainable development.【关键词】石棉 温石棉 石棉病 生产 消费 石棉行业发展【英文关键词】Asbestos Chrysotile Asbestosis Production Consumption【目录】在全球化环境下对中国石棉行业发展的研究 论文提要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5 第一章 引言 8-11 1.1 研究背景与意义 8-10 1.1.1 研究背景 8-9 1.1.2 选题的意义 9-10 1.2 研究过程与内容 10-11 1.2.1 调研及数据与材料整理收集过程 10 1.2.2 分析过程 10 1.2.3 论文主要内容 10-11 第二章 石棉知识的介绍 11-19 2.1 石棉概述 11-13 2.1.1 什么是石棉 11 2.1.2 石棉的分类 11-12 2.1.3 石棉的用途 12-13 2.2 石棉行业的发展历程 13-14 2.3 石棉与健康 14-19 2.3.1 石棉的危害 14-15 2.3.2 石棉的致病调查 15-17 2.3.3 石棉的污染来源和接触途径 17 2.3.4 禁止石棉运动与石棉政策的相关规定 17-19 第三章 石棉行业在全球环境下发展的对比分析 19-28 3.1 温石棉的生产现状 19-20 3.2 温石棉的消费现状 20-21 3.3 全球石棉行业的发展状况 21-25 3.3.1 亚洲 21-22 3.3.2 大洋州 22-23 3.3.3 欧洲 23 3.3.4 北美洲 23-24 3.3.5 南美洲 24 3.3.6 非洲 24-25 3.4 国外石棉代用品的研究、开发和使用情况 25-26 3.5 对温石棉安全的使用问题上争议的焦点分析 26-28 第四章 石棉行业在中国的发展现状分析 28-34 4.1 石棉矿业发展现状 28-29 4.1.1 中国石棉
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