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Grade 8Book 1Units910.用所给词的适当形式填空1He accepted our invitation (invite) to go to lunch with us.2I am looking forward to hearing (hear) from you.3I give my friend some advice (advise), because she is very worried.4You must be careful (care) when you talk to the strangers.5Ill go and calm your angry (angrily) brother down.6If Mr.Green comes (come) back, please let us know.7The little boy had problems understanding (understand) the Japanese story.8He introduced himself (him) to the people in the room.9We made preparations (prepare) to move to the new house.10Without treatment, she will almost certainly (certain) die.改错1They were surprising to find that hed already left. surprisingsurprised 2We strongly advise you giving up smoking. givingto_give 3The parents were worried about their daughter when they heard from the accident.fromof 4He hasnt got any hobbiesif you call watching TV a hobby.ifunless 5I had written twice to Jane, but she didnt answer to my letters, so I decided to go there myself.answerreply .汉译英1我们经常和我们的朋友闲逛。We_often_hang_out_with_our_friends. 2他把苹果切成两半给我妹妹和我。He_cut_the_apple_in_half_for_my_sister_and_me. 3寒假期间,我和父母去北京旅行了。During_the_winter_holiday,_I_took_a_trip_to_Beijing_with_my_parents. 4你答应保守秘密,我才告诉你。Ill_tell_you_only_if_you_promise_to_keep_it_to_yourself. 5你能把它安排在后天的另外一个时间吗?Can_you_make_it_any_other_time_the_day_after_tomorrow? 2
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