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Unit 3Section .单词拼写1He makes every effort to provide _accommodations_(住所)for the abandoned animals.2We have a good working _relationship_(关系)with the company.3Despite some difficulties,theyre not going to _abandon_(放弃)the plan.4As he got into the room he p_aused_ for a moment because he heard a strange noise.5Her son d_ragged_ me to his study and showed me his piles of books proudly.6His yearly income is about 20,000 yuan.In other words,his a _nnual_ income is not high.7Sometimes I have an u_rge_ to set aside all the work and start travelling.8A bee stung Charlie.He let out a y_ell_ and ran away.9The river looks very deep.Do you know the d_epth_ of it?10The company will have its a_nnual_ celebration this Saturday.选词填空provide accommodations for,yell at,dive into,flee from,sort out,in depth,in the meantime,urge.to,help.out,abandon oneself to1.The hotel can_provide_accommodations_for_more than 1,000 people.2The flight will be announced soon._In_the_meantime_,please remain seated.3My friend wont leave me alone.He will_help_ me _out_ whenever Im in trouble.4After he lost his family and company,he_abandoned_himself_to_despair all day and all night.5That young man_dived_into_the icy river water to save the drowning girl,which is worth praising.6My friend,Jim,_urged_me_to_ring my parents up.7A big fire broke out suddenly yesterday.The frightened people _fled_from_ it in a hurry.8I was _sorting_out_ my accommodation when he called on me.9It is reported that there was heavy snow in the area.In some places,it is over 3 metres_in_depth_.10The fans were _yelling_at_ their idols,“Come on!Come on!”.完成句子1The cupboards in the study needs_sorting_out_(整理)2The strange things announced that there_was_about_to_be_(即将发生)a big earthquake.3I am just_helping_out_(帮忙)here until the new secretary arrives.4The man_is_always_aware_of_(意识到)the disadvantages.5Seeing the snake under the bed,I_was_almost_scared_to_death_(吓死)
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