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株潭中学英语学科备课表(教案)课 题课 型Reading1年级高一日 期2018.5 新授主备人辛琪复备人授课人教 学目 标Knowledge objectives: 1. Learnsome key words and key expressions. 2.EnabletheSstounderstandthedetailsaboutthepassageA Master of Nonverbal HumorAbility objectives: 1. Help the Ss to masterthereadingskillscanning,skimming,carefulreading,ectEmotional objectives: 1. Get the students to appreciate nonverbal humor.重 点Howtohelpstudentstocomprehendthetext.难 点Practice studentsreadingskills,suchasskimming,scanning,carefulreading,etc.器 材Multimedia教学过程学生活动设计意图授课人标注Step1: Students read the vocabulary of Unit 3 together.Step2: Warming-up1. Brainstorming. (1)Style of humorcross-dressing Sketch/Funny plays crosstalkMark Twain (funny stories) Edward Lear(funny poems)Mr. Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange. Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His crosstalk shows always make his audience shout with laughter.(2) How many kinds of humor do you know?Verbal: cross talk; tongue twisters; funny poems; funny stories;jokes; limerick; nonverbal: mime ; farce ; clown Pantomime(哑剧)Step3: Pre-reading1. Charlie Chaplin The Gold Rush 1. What do you know about Charlie Chaplin?2. What do you know about his film? What is so interesting about them?3. Look at the title and write down your idea in one sentence. Then skim the passage and see if you were right.Students read the vocabulary togetherStudents talk about these questions with partnersTo get familiar with new wordsTo arouse students interest.To introduce all kinds of great women to students.板书 设计Unit 3 A Master of Nonverbal Humor教学反思
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