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株潭中学英语学科备课表(教案)课 题课 型Using language1年级高一日 期2018.5 新授主备人辛琪复备人授课人教 学目 标1.to learn the text and understand the humor.重 点Understand the text难 点Understand the humor器 材Multimedia教学过程学生活动设计意图授课人标注Step1: Students read the vocabulary of Unit 3 together.Step2: Warming-upTypes of humourVerbal Jokes- Play on wordsverbal humor: tongue twister饶口令 Pun双关1. What day of the week is the best for having fried foods?Friday2. What month do soldiers hate? March三月,行军 3. Enjoy some verbal jokes:Policeman: You cant park here. Driver: Why cant I ? Policeman: Read the sigh there. Driver: It says, “Fine for Parking,” so I parked.4. A tongue twister competition (1)A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!(2)Fresh fried fish, Fish fresh fried, Fried fish fresh, Fish fried fresh.Step3: while-reading1. How did Watson answer Holmes question?-I think of how short life is and how long the universe lasted.2. What happened actually?Someone has stolen their tent.Step4: Post- readingStep5: HomeworkDo exercises in workbook.Students read the vocabularyStudents answer questionsFinish readingFinish the exerciseTo get familiar with new wordsTo arouse students interest.To get the general idea of reading and practice the reading skills.To consolidate what students have learnt in this class.板书 设计教学反思
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