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必修5 Unit 1 Great scientists 课前10分钟 短文填空 Theme parks offer a different kind of window the world. In 2003,the new Underwater World Park in Qingdao was The park takes on a journey under water.The journey begins at the beach and down to the bottom of the sea.Visitors can all the beauty and wonders of life deep down in the They will also learn about coral reefs, fish and marine mammals.The Underwater World Park,on,opened,visitors,continues,enjoy,ocean,attracts tourists and students.It is a good to enjoy the beauty of the ocean and learn more about marine life. 漫画欣赏 画面描述 There is a wooden barrelconstructed with a number of boards of different lengths. Some water is leaking out from the edge of the shortest board. 寓意理解 In teamwork,it is always the least capable member who holds back the whole progress of the team. So only by working together and also helping the shortest “board” can a team perform better. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,both,place,.词义辨析 1.Finding information in todays world is easy.The B is how you can tell if the information you get is useful or not. Aenquiry Bchallenge Cvictim Duniverse 2.Police A that she had some connection with last weeks robbery of the bank. Asuspected Babsorbed Chandled Dinstructed,3The boy was found seated on a bench,completely C in a novel. Adefeated Bdelivered Cabsorbed Dexposed 4He found the cholera outbreak was so B that more than 500 people died in 10 days. Apositive Bsevere Cstrict Dcautious 5The salesgirl is very good at D difficult customers,which pleases the manager very much. Aconfusing Bexpanding Cdisturbing Dhandling 6The new railway is still under D.It will be months before it is completed. Aoccupation Bfunction Caddition Dconstruction,7Eating too much fat can A to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. Acontribute Brespond Cattend DAmount 8The singer was very popular and got an C reception when he appeared on the stage. Ainformal Boptimistic Centhusiastic Daccurate 9I think you should be B about giving your address to strangers.It might be dangerous. Aconfident Bcautious Cscientific Dpositive 10The idea that the earth was flat and the sun moved around the earth was C centuries ago. Ainstructed Bpolluted Crejected Dreduced,.短语填空 put forward;link.to.;apart from;lead to;make sense;expose.to;look into;slow down;die of;at times 1A black car cut in ahead of me,forcing me to slow down. 2Without plenty of water,you will easily die of thirst in the desert. 3This essay is quite good a couple of spelling mistakes. 4There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness.,apart from,5I dont think it makes sense to focus only on providing basic services. 6I wrote a letter of complaint,and the airline have promised to look into the matter. 7Andrew can be very badtempered at times even though he is friendly in general. 8A new approach to teaching languages was put forward at the meeting last week. 9These colors will not last if they are exposed to the sun. 10Scientists now link certain types of cancer to the amount of junk food that people eat.,.完成句子 1To prevent this from happening again,he suggested the source of all the water supplies be examined (所有的水源都要经过检测)(examine) 2The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more(不能再让人们接 触被污染的水)(expose) 3Yet Copernicus theory is now the basis on which all our ideas of the universe are built(我们的宇宙 观赖以建立的基础)(basis),.模仿造句 1It seemed that the water was to blame. 翻译我们不知道该怪谁。 We dont know who is to blame. 2A woman liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. 翻译我们刚才请人把机器修好了。 I had the machine mended just now. 3Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 翻译我只有找到了工作才有足够的钱上学。 Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.,4They believed God had made the world and the earth must be the centre of the solar system. 翻译那不是解决问题的唯一办法,肯定有另外的办法。 That cant be the only way.There must be other ways of solving the problem. 5He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it. 翻译在亚洲的某些地方,你坐着时你的脚不能朝向别人。 In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.,知 识 要 点 整 合 核心词汇梳理 1attend vt. 到场;出席;参加 识记 attend school去上学 attend church去做礼拜 attend a meeting参加会议 attend ones class听课 v. 看护;照顾 搭配 attend (on/upon) sb.看护;照顾 There was no one to attend (on) him but his sister.只有他姐姐照顾他。 He has two nurses to attend (on) him. 有两个护士照顾他。,识记 attend to 处理;倾听;专心于;照料;接待 I have some urgent business to attend to. 我有一些急事要处理。 Attend carefully to what she is saying. 仔细听听她说些什么。 Im very busy.I cant attend to you now. 我很忙,我现在不能接待你。,2expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光 The wolf opened its mouth to expose a row of sharp white teeth.
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