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與成功有約 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,Stephen R. Covey,Time雜誌譽為人類潛能的導師 全美二十五位最有影響力的人物之一 本書高居美國暢銷書排行榜長達七年 本書在全球發行共過一千萬本。 台灣卓維企管: 每人NTD 40,000,Part Paradigms and Principles 重新探索自我 Part Private Victory 自我的成功: 從依賴到獨立 Part Public Victory 群己的成功: 從獨立到互賴 Part Renewal 全面觀照生命,與成功有約,7 Habits & 3 Stages,Interdependence (We),Independence ( I ),Dependence (You),Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood 5,Synergize 6,Think Win / Win 4,3 Put First Things First,1 Be Proactive,2 Begin with the End in Mind,7 Sharpen the Saw,PUBLIC VICTORY,PRIVATE VICTORY,互賴期 ( 我們 ),獨立期 ( 我 ),依賴期 ( 你/你們 ),知彼解己 5,統合綜效 6,雙贏思維 4,3 要事第一,1 主動積極,2 以終為始,7 日新又新,群己的成功,自我的成功,追求全面成功,才是真正的成功 !,Seven Habits Overview,- 為圓滿人生做準備,我們每個人都守著一扇自內開啟的改變之門。 除了自己,沒有人能為你開門, 只要你願意敞開心靈, 拋卻舊有思維, 把良好原則化為習慣, 成功圓滿就在掌握之中。,Effective Habits,Desire (want to),Skills (how to),- Internalized principles and patterns of behavior,Knowledge (what to, why to),Habits,Effectiveness: P/PC Balance,Aesops Fable: Goose Golden Egg Treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customer,The Maturity Continuum,- 成長的三階段,Continuum Paradigm Dependent You Independent I Interdependent We,- 依賴心重的主管,靠部屬來完成目標,- 獨立自主的主管,自己打天下,- 互賴的主管,群策群力以達成功,Private Victory,Interdependence (We),Independence (I),Dependence (You),Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood 5,Synergize 6,Think Win / Win 4,3 Put First Things First,7 Sharpen the Saw,PUBLIC VICTORY,2 Begin with the End in Mind,1 Be Proactive,PRIVATE VICTORY,Habit 1: Be Proactive,Interdependence,Independence,Dependence,Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood 5,Synergize 6,Think Win / Win 4,3 Put First Things First,7 Sharpen the Saw,PUBLIC VICTORY,2 Begin with the End in Mind,1 Be Proactive,PRIVATE VICTORY,主動積極 掌握選擇的自由,Reactive Model,Stimulus,Response,客觀條件 受制於人,Proactive Model,Stimulus,Response,Freedom to Choose,Self- Awareness,Conscience,Imagination,Independent,Response,Response,主動 積極,自覺,想像力,良知,獨立意志,Reactive ( 被動消極 ) 我已經無能為力 我就是這樣一個人 他真讓我受不了 他們不會接受的 我被要求 我不能 我必須 如果 ,Proactive ( 主動積極 ) 讓我們試試看有沒有其他 Solution 我可以選擇不同的方式 我可以控制自己的感受 我可以找出有效的表達方式 我會選擇適當的回應 我選擇 我情願 我會 ,Listening to Our Language,Circle of Concern / Influence,Circle of Concern,Circle of Influence,Proactive Focus,Circle of Concern,Circle of Influence,- Positive energy enlarges the Circle of Influence,Reactive Focus,Circle of Concern,Circle of Influence,- Negative energy reduces the Circle of Influence,3 Kinds of Our Problems,Problem Direct control - Problem involving our own behavior Indirect control - Problem involving other peoples behavior No control - Problem we can do nothing, eg. our past or realities,Solution Working on our habits - Habit 1, 2, and 3 Changing our influence - Habit 4, 5, and 6 Changing the line on our face - Accept the things which cant be changed,Proactive vs. Reactive,Criteria 原動力 心態上 判斷方式 浮上腦海 感受上 自我期許 心智年齡,Proactive 自我掌握 承擔風險 相對 機會 成就感 高 成熟,Reactive 外力驅使 逃避風險 絕對 問題 挫折感 低 幼稚,成功的人找機會; 失敗的人找理由,(Habit 1 end),Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind,Interdependence,Independence,Dependence,Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood 5,Synergize 6,Think Win / Win 4,3 Put First Things First,7 Sharpen the Saw,PUBLIC VICTORY,2 Begin with the End in Mind,1 Be Proactive,PRIVATE VICTORY,以終為始 鎖定生命的座標,Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind,發掘人生終極價值與意義 先構思再行動 (All Things are created twice) 掌穩心中的羅盤 (領導 vs 管理) 為自己立憲法: 人生使命宣言 (personal vision) 你的生活重心是什麼? 組織使命宣言 唯有參與,始有認同,Principle,Money,Work,Self,Friend,Pleasure,Possessions,Spouse,Family,A Principle Center,Personal Mission Statement,財富不多,卻能滿足, 追求高雅,而非奢華; 用精緻替代流行。 活得具有價值,勝過聲譽卓著, 擁有豐富人生,好過家財萬貫。 努力學習、靜心思考、溫和說話、坦率行事, 開放胸襟去傾聽星星、小鳥、嬰兒、與智者。 笑納一切、勇敢行事、等得良機、從容不迫。 換言之,讓精神自由無拘束不凡地成長, 這就是我的交響曲。 William Ellery Channing,IBMs 3 Principles,個人尊嚴,卓越,服務,Company Profit,Customer Satisfaction,Employee Achievement,C3 for INPUT B.D.,v.s.,宏碁電腦,Habit 3: Put First Things First,Interdependence,Independence,Dependence,Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood 5,Synergize 6,Think Win / Win 4,3 Put First Things First,7 Sharpen the Saw,PUBLIC VICTORY,2 Begin with the End in Mind,1 Be Proactive,PRIVATE VICTORY,要事第一 忙要忙的有意義,Important,Not Important,Urgent,Not Urgent, ACTIVITIES: - Crises - Pressing problems - Deadline-driven projects, ACTIVITIES: - Prevention, PC activities - Relationship building - Recognizing new opportune. - Planning, recreation, ACTIVITIES: - Interruptions, some calls - Some mail, some reports - Some meetings - Proximate, pressing matters - Popular activities,The Time Management Matrix, ACTIVITIES: - Trivia, busy work - Some mail - Some phone calls - Time wasters - Pleasant activities,Important,Not Important,Urgent,Not Urgent, 15%, 55%,The Time Matrix (General), 5%, 25%,Important,Not Important,Urgent,Not Urgent, 70%, 10%,The Time Matrix (Ideal), 1%, 20%,The Weekly Schedule,(
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