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TermsIrrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证 bill of lading 海运提单Documentary collection 跟单托收 Inner packing 内包装force majeure clause 不可抗力条款 outer packing 外包装name of commodity 商品名称 insurance premium 保险费clearing charges 报关费用 customs formalities 海关手续actual delivery 实际交货 price quotation 报价Nude Cargo 裸装货 pro forma invoice 形式发票Fair Average Quality 良好平均品质 sale by specification 凭规格销售 more or less clause 溢短装条款 profit margin 利润率/毛利率shipping marks 运输标志 sole distribution 独家经销export license 出口许可证 marketing mix 营销组合Special additional risks 特殊附加险 commercial invoice 商业发票symbolic delivery 象征性交货 intellectual property 知识产权industrial property 工业产权 credit status 信用资信状况 trade barrier 贸易壁垒 anti-dumping 反倾销clean collection 光票托收 certificate of origin 原产地证书 non-tariff barriers 非关税壁垒 trade mark 商标unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易顺差 customs formalities 海关手续opening bank 开证行 back-to-back letter of credit 背靠背信用证 shipping advise 装船通知 confirmed irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤消信用政price quotation 报价单 profit margin 利润率,毛利润Promissory Note 本票 revolving L/C 循环信用证Confirming bank 保兑行 Telegraphic Transfer 电汇Red Clause Credit 红条信用证 insurance certificate 保险凭证Extraneous risks 外来风险 particular average 单独海损Partial loss 部分损失 total loss 全损Theoretical weight 理论重量 metric system 公制单位Warning marks 警示性标志 net weight 净重2. Fill in the blanks . 1. The main instruments of payment are _ and _, the latter includes _ or _, _ and _, among which _ is the most widely used. 2. In order to protect domestic particular industries, most governments erect tariff in trade, which comes in two types: _ and _.3. The marketing communication mix consists of four tools: _, _, _, and _.4. In international trade, there are four systems of measurement, that is _, the British system, the American system, and _. Warsaw-Oxford Rules 1993 stipulates the features of only one trade terms: _. Revised American Foreign Trade Development 1994 contains 6 trade terms: EX, _ FAS, C&F, _, and EX DOCK.5. To reach an agreement, the international business negotiation generally needs to go through five links: _, _, _, _, and conclusion of a contract, among which _ and _ two indispensible steps.6. Sales by description is a method to indicate the quality of the commodity, it may take the forms of _, _, _, _, _, and _. 7. There are five ways of measuring the weight of goods, they are: _, _, _, _, and legal weight.8. In international trade, markings of commodity are generally classified into four categories: _, _, _, _.9. In international trade the main methods of payment are _, _, and _.10. The draft that is accompanied with shipping documents is called _, the draft that is not accompanied with shipping documents is called _.11. The L/C that is not specified as “revocable” or “irrevocable” is regarded as _; the L/C that is not specified as “transferable” or “nontransferable” is regarded as _.12. Marine insurance generally covers two risks: _ and _. The losses covered by marine risks fall into two categories: _ and _. 13. Expenses incurred for rescuing the insured goods are of two types: _ and _.14. There are two types of insurance coverage: basic coverage and additional coverage. Basic coverage mainly includes _,_ and _, while additional coverage includes _ and _. 15. According to the time of payment, a draft can be divided into _ and _. According to who the drawer is, a draft can be divided into _ and _.16. When disputes arise from international trade, the parties concerned can resolve their disputes through _, _or _.III. Choose the best answer. 1.According to Incoterms 2000, _ doesnt include the main freight.A. CFR B. CPT C. CIP D. FCA2. Among the following trade terms, _ represents the minimum obligation for the seller.A. FOB B. FCA C. EXW D. CIF3. Among the following trade term, _ does not indicates symbolic delivery.A. CIF B. CIP C. CFR D. EXW4. _ is used in a three-party transaction.A. A back-to back L/C B. A Reciprocal L/CC. An irrevocable L/C D. An unconfirmed L/C5. For trade terms in Group C, after departure, the risks of loss of or damag
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