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【AAA】中英双语版海外借款合同书【AAA】中英双语版海外借款合同书Loan Agreement贷款方(以下简称“甲方”):Jermain LiuCredit Side(Party A) : Jermain Liu 身份证号码:TTTTTTTTGID card No: TTTTTTTTG 联系方式:158KKKKKKKKContact: 158KKKKKKKK借款方(以下简称“乙方”):DH Wine CompanyBorrower(Party B) : DH Wine Company法定代表人:MikeLegal Representative:TTG联系方式:0X0-TTTTTTTTContact:0X0-TTTTTTTT鉴于Whereas: 1、甲方为乙方实际最大控股股东; 1.Party A is the actual controlling shareholder of Party B 2、乙方现拓展海外业务,已完成法国波尔多当地NB酒庄的前期考察、尽调工作,并于20TT年TT月TT日与NB酒庄庄主签订了前置条件买卖协议; 2.To expand overseas business, Party B signed the “PRELIMINARY SALE AGREEMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS PRECEDENT” (hereinafter referred to as the “PRELIMINARY SALE AGREEMENT”)with the owner of Chteau NB on TTG 11th,20TT. 3、乙方须根据前置条件买卖协议及补充约定,于20TT年4月1日前,向第三方监管账户支付TTG万欧元定金; 3. Party B has to transfer a deposit of TTG0,000 Euro to the neutral supervision account by April 1,20TT according to the PRELIMINARY SALE AGREEMENT and the supplementary agreement. 4、为保证前置条件买卖协议顺利履行,甲方同意向乙方借出TTG万欧元,以供乙方根据前置条件买卖协议支付定金之用。【该TTG万欧元款项直接从甲方海外个人名下账户转款至第三方监管账户】 4.For the fulfillment of the PRELIMINARY SALE AGREEMENT, Party A agrees to directly transfer TTG0,000 Euro from its overseas personal account to the neutral supervision account for Party B.甲乙双方经友好协商,依照中华人民共和国相关法律法规,达成如下协议条款,以资共同遵守。The parties have reached the following “Loan Agreement” in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China .第一条 借款金额Article 1 Loan Amount本协议项下的币种为:欧元Currency:EURO金额为:TTG万欧元(贰拾柒万欧元整)Amount: TTG0,000 EURO第二条 借款用途Article 2 The use of Loan 本协议项下的借款用作乙方支付收购酒庄定金之用,甲方直接从其海外个人名下账户转款TTG万欧元至第三方监管账户。For the deposit transfer stipulated in the PRELIMINARY SALE AGREEMENT, Party A directly transfer TTG0,000 Euro from its overseas personal account to the neutral supervision account.第三条 借款期限Article 3 Loan Term20TT年X月11日-20TT年12月31日。From TTG 11th,20TT to December 31st,20TT第四条 借款利息Article 4 Loan Interest本协议项下的借款为无息借款。It will be an Interest-free loan under this agreement第五条 借款偿还Article 5 Repaying Loan 乙方应于借款期限届满之日起5日内向甲方一次性偿还本金。Party B should repay the loan to Party A at one time within 5 days as of the expiration date of Loan Term第六条 双方权利义务Article 6 The rights and obligations1、甲方权利义务:1. Party A保证依法依规,并根据合同约定从其海外个人名下账户转款TTG万欧元至第三方监管账户;Directly transfer TTG0,000 Euro from its overseas personal account to the neutral supervision account in accordance with the law and the agreement.如需向第三方转让其在本协议项下的债权,不必取得乙方同意,但应于债权转让协议签订后通知乙方,甲方应负责办理与此相关的外汇登记手续。Transfer its rightsorobligationsunder thisagreementto any third party without the prior written consent of Party B 2、乙方权利义务:2. Party B保证本协议项下借款的用途符合法律、法规和公司章程,并已取得相关许可和授权;Gurantee the loan is used with relevant permission and authorization, and in accordance with the law and articles of association.接受甲方对本协议项下借款使用情况的调查、了解和监督;Accept the Party As investigation and supervision on the use of loan不得向第三方转让本协议项下的债务;Will not transfer its debt under the agreement to any third party.协助甲方办理与履行本合同项下的借款和偿还本金相关的外汇登记、申请核准等手续。Assist Party A to deal with the foreign exchange registration necessary to the loan transfer and repayment.第七条 违约责任Article 7 Responsibility of default在本协议期间,任何一方违反本协议的任何条款的行为均构成对合同的违约。违约方应赔偿守约方因其违约而造成的损失。During the period of this agreement, any violation of any provision of this agreement shall constitute a default of contract. The breaching party shall compensate other party for its loss caused by breach of contract.第八条 争议解决Article 8 Dispute resolution与本协议有关或由本协议产生的争议应通过双方友好协商的方式解决;协商不成,任何一方均可向本协议签订地所在地人民法院起诉。Any dispute coming from performance of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultation firstly. Each party has the right to file a lawsuit to the local (where the agreement signed)jurisdiction court when the dispute persists第九条 其他规定Article 9 Other Provisions1、本协议自双方签字、盖章之日起生效,借款本金全部清偿后自动失效;1. This agreement shall take effect as of the date of signature and stamp, expire after all the loan is repaid.2、本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。2. This agreement is drawn up in two original counterparts(each party has one) ,with the same legal effect.贷款方(甲方):Credit Side(Party A):时间:20TT年X月11日Date: TTG 11th ,20TT借款方(乙方):Borrower(Party B):法定代表人:Legal representative:时间:20TT年X月11日Date: TTG 11th ,20TT本合同签订地:中国TTGThis agreement is signed in TTG, China
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