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Chapter One,General Principles of Business Writing,Our course is - An English course combining international trade with English. Goal of our course is - To cultivate the ability of negotiating international trade in English, especially in English correspondence. e.g. policy, interest, discount, COD,FOB etc.,Requirements for business English writing,Good command of English Knowledge of business theory and practice Knowledge of technical terms Knowledge of psychology Skills in salesmanship,There always exists intense competition in international markets. The use of Commercial English is, to a certain extent, the kind of tool , which brings you success and profit. That is why People say Commercial English has dollars-and cents value. So keeping in close contact with a client is to keep a piece of property,一. General Description of English Communication for International Trade,Forms of communications for International Trade A. business letters B. telegrams C. telex D. fax E. E-mails,二. The parts of a business letter,1. the letter head 2. the date 3. the inside address 4. salutation 5. caption/subject 6. body of the letter 7.the complimentary close 8. the signature,9. enclosure notation 10. carbon copy 11.postscript 12. reference number 13. attention line,Parts Principle parts(标准部分) Optional parts(可选部分),The principle parts,Letterhead 信头 Date Inside name and address Salutation 称呼 Body 正文 Complimentary close 结尾敬语 Signature,The Optional parts,The reference number(发文/参考编号) The attention line (经办人) The subject line(事由/标题) Enclosure notation (附件) c.c. (carbon copy to) p.s. (Postscript)(附言),Heading Date,Inside address Receivers name and address,Salutation Dear Sirs,Caption Re Chinese Garments,Opening sentence We are very pleased to receive your letter dated May 4th.,Body of the letter,The location of each part of the letter,Closing sentence (you can express your wish concerning the next step. Looking forward to receiving your favorite reply.,Complimentary close Yours faithfully,Signature,Enclosure Enc. Or 2 Encls: 2 invoices,P.S.,Carbon copy,三. The principles of satisfactory composition of a business letter (the 7 Cs),1. consideration 2. courtesy 3. clarity 4. conciseness 5. concreteness 6. correctness 7. completeness,1. clear 2.concise 3. correct 4. courteous 5. conversational 6. convincing 7.complete,1.consideration: Prepare every message with the reader in mind and try to put yourself into his place. 2. courtesy: It is not mere politeness. The courteous writer should be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciative.,3. clarity: The writer must try to express himself clearly. To achieve this, he should keep in mind the purpose of his letter and use appropriate words in correct sentence structure and fully convey his meaning.,4. conciseness: It means saying things in the fewest possible words. To achieve this, try to avoid wordiness or redundancy. 5. contreteness: It means making the message specific, definite and vivid.,6. correctness: It means appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate reliable figures (such as names of articles, specifications, quantity, price and units, etc.),7. completeness: A business communication should include all the necessary information. It is essential to check the message carefully before it is sent out.,Completeness consists of two aspects: 1.completeness of facts. Does it give all the information necessary to accomplish the purpose of your letter? 2.completeness of explanations. Does it answer fully all the questions asked or implied in the incoming letter(来函).,A. We cant make you an offer at present as our supply is limited B. We would make you an offer as soon as the supply position improves. A. Your letter of July 1st tells you plainly that the goods you sent would reach us by the end of this month. B. Im very glad to refer to your letter of July 1st, from which we knew the goods we ordered would reach us by the end of this month. A. Your order will be delayed for two weeks B. Your order will be shipped in two weeks A. We have received your complaint about the late arrival of the goods. B. Thank you for calling our attention to the late arrival of the goods.,2. A. You are kindly invited to our party. B. We invite you to our party. A. your price is too high to be accepted. B. We find your price is on the high side. A. Your requirement cant be agreed. B. Wed better revert to your request later on.,A. The L/C must reach us not later than the end of this month for shipment of your order. B. The covering L/C must reach us not later than October 30th for shipment of your order. A. We can supply 50 tons of the item only. B. We can supply only 50 tons of the item.,4. A. We often export electric fans to foreign countries. B. Samples will be sent and offers will be made upon receipt of your specific enquiries. C. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your kind cooperation. a. We often export electric fans. b
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