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Whats on?House of Cardsphrases1.I can never fill your shoes, sir.我永远无法成为你那么优秀的总统。2.We had a falling out.我们闹翻了。3.Well see what makes sense when all the chips have fallen.一切都结束后,我们再说。4.Power versus money. Dont reduce myself to a tax bracket.权利胜于金钱。别让金钱局限自己。lines1.Power is better than money for as long as it lasts, but it never lasts.只有持久的权力才能胜过金钱。但权利从不持久。2.we have too much to lose.我们骑虎难下。3.He is in the darkness now and I am the only beacon of light. Now we gently guide him towards the rocks.他现在陷于黑暗中,而我是唯一的灯塔。让我们温柔地将他引向礁石。4.Sometimes you have to sacrifice the one for the many.有时候必须为大我牺牲小我。5.Who cares what happened each inning? Its final score that counts.谁会在乎一局的输赢,最终比分才是最重要的。6.Ill sing for my supper, sir. I dont expect it for free.我会努力的,先生。我知道没有免费的午餐。
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