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2019/1/8,1,第二节 汇票 一、汇票的定义,汇票 (Bill of Exchange/Exchange/Draft):出票人签发的,委托付款人在见票时或在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。,汇票是国际结算中运用最广泛的金融票据,2019/1/8,2,A Bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person (drawer) to another (drawee), signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money, to or to the order of a specified person(payee),or to bearer”.,无条件的书面命令,出票人,付款人,即期(见票),固定日期,确定的未来日期,的指定人,收款人,持票人(来人),2019/1/8,3,进口商,出口商,出票,提示,付款、承兑,出口商,2019/1/8,4,光票(Clean Bill) 跟单汇票 (Documentary Bill),1、出票人 2、附商业票据,银行汇票(Bankers Draft) 商业汇票(Commercial Draft),二、汇票的种类,2019/1/8,5,3、付款日期 4、承兑人,即期汇票(Sight /Demand Draft),远期汇票(Time / Usance Bill),商业承兑汇票(Bankers Acceptance Draft),银行承兑汇票(Commercial Acceptance Draft),2019/1/8,6,图例:英国定额汇票,汇票图样,2019/1/8,7,中国建设银行汇票样本,2019/1/8,8,中国工商银行承兑汇票样本,2019/1/8,9,Exchange for 5,000.00 13th Dec.2006Shanghai At Thirty days after sight of this First of exchange (Second of the same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of B Co. the sum of five thousand pounds only Drawn under Bank of Europe Irrevocable L/C NO.205581 dated 20th Nov 2006. TO: C Company, London For A Company, Shanghai JIM,收款人名称,出票地和日期,汇票金额,付款期限,汇票的字样,确定金额,付款人名称和地点,出票人名称和签字,2019/1/8,10,出票条款(Drawn Clause) 如果采用信用证支付方式,一般应列明某日某行某信用证,如“Drawn under xxx Bank L/C NO. xxx dated xxx”。 如果采用托收,填写“For collection”,L/C,collection,2019/1/8,11,跟单信用证项下汇票示例:,For,2019/1/8,12,跟单信用证项下汇票示例:,2019/1/8,13,第二十二条 汇票必须记载下列事项: (一)表明“汇票”的字样; (二)无条件支付的委托; (三)确定的金额; (四)付款人名称; (五)收款人名称; (六)出票日期; (七)出票人签章。 汇票上未记载前款规定事项之一的,汇票无效。,三、汇票的绝对必要项目,2019/1/8,14,(一)汇票的字样(Bill of Exchange) 根据日内瓦统一法的规定,汇票上必须标明“汇票”字样。如:“Exchange for”,“Bill”,“Draft”等(我国票据法也有此规定)。但英国票据法并无此项要求。,PS:汇票编号 根据发票号码填写,或填写“AS PER INVOICE” 如: No. AS PER INVOICE Exchange for USD528,000.00 或 No. CS96-061 Exchange for USD528,000.00,2019/1/8,15,(二)无条件的支付命令(Unconditional Order) (1)支付命令。汇票是一项付款命令,因而措词应直接了当,应使用祈使句, eg:pay to the order of/ pay to / pay to A co or order 例1:Please pay Mary White or order the sum of two thousand US dollar。,I would be delighted if you; Its my pleasure if you; Would you please;,票据无效,2019/1/8,16,(2)无条件性 pay to the order of A Co the sum of pound sterling one thousand only provided that the goods are up to the standard of the contract” (若货与合同相符则支付 Al000英镑整)。,不能使用Pay to.providing/Pay toon the condition that等语句,汇票无效,2019/1/8,17,Pay to the order of B Company in our No.1 account the sum of one thousand pounds ONLY。,从我的1号账户存款中支付给B的指定人1000英镑整,无效汇票(invalid bill),限制了支付方法,2019/1/8,18,Pay to John Smith or order the sum of one thousand US dollar ONLY and debt/charge same to my No.2 account maintained with you.,支付给John Smith或其指定人1000美元,并将此金额借记于我在你行开设的2号账户上。,有效汇票,支付命令连接着付款人可以借记某账户的表示,视为无条件。,借记,2019/1/8,19,比较以下文句,哪些有效,哪些无效: -Pay to John Smith or order the sum of one thousand US dollar ONLY。 -Pay to John Smith or order the sum of one thousand US dollar ONLYwhen the ship “queen” reaches the port of shanghai. -Debt my No.2 account and pay to John Smith or order the sum of one thousand US dollar ONLY. -Pay A USD FIVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED only from A/C No. 96875234,有效,无效,有效,无效,Account,2019/1/8,20,(1) Amount in Figures of Draft Exchange for USD7,200.00 (金额数保留至小数点后两位,货币名称应与发票一致) (2) Amount in Words of Draft “the sum of”+货币名称大写金额,句末加上“Only”(整),否则银行拒绝付款。 例:SAY U.S. Dollars SEVEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ONLY,(三) 确定的金额(Amount),大写,小写,2019/1/8,21,(3)大写金额的小数点以下的辅币的表示方法(0.75美元) 1)CENTS SEVENTY FIVE ONLY 2)AND 75% ONLY 3)AND 75/100 ONLY,(4) 金额必须确定 如“大约付1000美元”、“付2 000马克左右”、“付10万或 15万日元 ”,“付1000美元加利息”等。这些表示方法都是错误的。,2019/1/8,22,USD1000 plus interest USD1000 plus interest at 6% p.a,(5)大小写 如果大小写不一致,英国票据法和日内瓦统一法都规定以大写为准,我国票据法则认为无效。 (6)如有利息条款,则必须规定利率,错误,正确,2019/1/8,23,(四)付款人的名称(Drawee/Payer) 在汇票左下角注明:“TO: C Company, London”,通常是开证行或进口商,(五)出票人签字(Signature of the drawer ) For A Co. Ltd London John Smith Director,For /On behalf of/Per Pro,一般应手签,2019/1/8,24,(六)出票日期(Date of Issue) 决定汇票的有效期 决定付款的到期日 决定出票人的行为效力 决定利息的起算日,若出票时法人已宣告破产或被清理,则汇票不能成立,2019/1/8,25,(1)空白抬头/来人抬头(Bearer Order),(七)收款人名称(Payee) 收款人是汇票出票时记明的债权人,也称汇票的抬头,Pay to bearer 支付给来人 Pay to B Company or bearer 支付给B公司或来人,这种汇票无需背书,仅凭交付即可转让,2019/1/8,26,(2)限制性抬头,Pay to John Smith Only(仅付给John Smith ) Pay to John Smith ,Not Transferable (付给John Smith ,不得转让),限制性抬头的汇票不可流通转让,2019/1/8,27,(3)指示性抬头,又称记名抬头,即写明收款人的名称。 指示性抬头的汇票,具有流通转让性,但必须通过背书 方式完成转让。,Pay to the Order of John Smith; (付给John Smith指定的人) Pay to John Smith or Order (付给John Smith或其指定人) Pay to John Smith(付给John Smith ),2019/1/8,28,即期付款汇票-见票即付 At sight/On demand/On presentation 定期付款汇票On 20th,July 2008 出票后定期付款At 30 days after date 见票后定期付款 At 30 days after sight 特定事件发生后定期付款 At 30 days after B/L date,四、汇票的相对必要项目 (一)付款日期(Tenor/Maturity),即期汇票,远期汇票,2019/1/8,29,统一法和我国票据法只允许出票人签发前三种形式的远期汇票,其他形式的远期汇票视为无效。英国票据法则允许以上四种。 我国票据法明确规定:远期汇票,必须作承兑提示,见 票后定期付款的汇票,持票人应当自出票日起1个月内向付款人提
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