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20道选择题(会从里面抽出一部分)1. Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and duration.2. Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy.3. He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine.4. She states her views very definitely_.5. Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure?6. The baby felt ignored by her parents.7. You need to convince the employers that you can do the job.8. Companies will have to do more than this if they are to survive the earthquake.9. I dont like this young woman; she seems a social _butterfly.10. The novel captured_ the imagination of thousands of readers.11. God knows. How can I endure_ six exams a week?12. A tiny star can spark_ in the darkness. 13. There are good chances of _promotion_ in this firm. 14. Mrs. Hill is _keen_ on Toms marrying Susan. 15. Some professions are _stuffed_ with people who have not grown up.16. How should this _innocent_ girl see the coldness of the letter? 17. His dominant _trait_ was to take all things into earnest consideration.18. She tried to _undermine_ our friendship.19. This was my big chance and I _grabed_ it with both hands.20. The new airport will _facilitate_ tourism.21. He came over and _shoved_ a piece of paper into my hand.22. Shanghai is a city with a large _translent_ population.23. Ill _pop_ over and see you this evening.24. A dropped cigarette is being _blamed_ for the fire.25. They were full of _envy_ when they saw my new car.26. The doctor tried to help _restore_ the function of his limbs .27. Let me assure you that it was not done _intentionally_.28. The smooth space flight, experts say, marks a big _breakthrough_ for Chinese scientists.29. He failed to _respond_ to the medicine.30. This medicine can _lessen_ the pain in no time.31. The boy really enjoyed the useful and _creative_ work in science.32. Advertising is often the most _effective_ method of promotion.33. He _complimented_ her on her last physics paper.34. After dinner, I took a _stroll_ around the park.35. A hundred years ago people _scoffed_ at the idea.36. They are determined to carry forward the _enterprise_ .37. The conference discussed the fair _distribution_of income and wealth.38. Womens social _status_ has changed much over the years.39. Before he could find the _fitting_ word she had cut him short with a question.40. In time youll _appreciate_ the beauty of this language.41. We couldnt _induce_the old lady to travel by air.42. The test is used to _diagnose_ a variety of diseases. 43. The foreigners marveled at the _miracle_ of terracotta warriors. 44. The temple is supported by _massive_ columns (柱子). 45. Will you _wheel_ him away because he cant walk?46. I needed money so _desperately_ at the time.47. Life is a battle from _cradle_ to grave (坟墓).48. He _stroked_ his long beard. 49. Will you accept his view on the _issue_?50. This dictionary is available in electronic _version_.51. He planted some flowers on the balcony that projected_ over the street.52. We _anticipate_ that food price is likely to go down.53. The prices here are _ridiculous_! I paid $4 for a pineapple juice.54. Scientists _claim_ that sea level is rising.55. Western ideas _penetrate_ slowly through the East.56. The blow to his head was strong enough to _render_ him unconscious.选词填空A. WhereasB. offered C. tolerateD. awareE. sophomoreF. insteadG. definiteH. optionsI. instanceJ. involvedK. extracurricularL. awfulM. exploreN. opportunityO. passion1-M %2-K%3- B %4-D %5-E %6-G %7-N %8-O %9-J %10-HYou will need to 1. _explore_ where you fit in best in regards to 2. _extracurricular_ activities. You should start by gathering a list of all the activities that are 3. _offered_ on the campus. Usually these can be found in the student handbook on the universities website. Please be 4. _aware_ that opportunities wont come to you, instead get involved and seek them out. Make sure you check out the descriptions of each club and organization. Ask a 5. _sophomore_ for any 6. _definite_ information you might need. Talk to other club members and ask how they like the club. Theres an 7. _opportunity_ you will feel an instant fit. Feel free to stop by the club for a visit. Most clubs will have an open house once or twice a year. Be sure to attend. If you had a particular interest when you were in high school and you still have 8. _passion_ for it, participate in it again on a college level. It might be a good time to pick something new that you have never got 9. _involved_ in before. It is not the end of the world if you decide wrong. Allow about six months to get used to a club before making the decision you cross it out from your 10. _options_. Remember
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