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Beer 啤酒,Contents 目录,What is Beer? How to make Beer? Beer Varieties Beers service Beer Tasting Beer Storage Handling Drought Beer,什么啤酒? 如何酿造啤酒? 啤酒的品种 啤酒的服务 啤酒品尝 啤酒的储藏 处理扎啤,What is Beer? 什么是啤酒?,Questions 1.What is Beer? 2.What is the most important reaction during beer making procession? 3.Do you know the components of beer?,问题 啤酒是什么? 啤酒酿造过程中最重要的反应是什么? 您知道啤酒的成份吗?,Whats Beer 什么是啤酒?,啤酒以大麦芽、酒花、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的,不经蒸馏,饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒。 Generically, beer is any alcoholic beverage produced through the fermentation of starchy materials and which is not distilled after fermentation. 重要的反应叫酿造 This process is called brewing. 酿造是通过发酵获得酒精。由于不同地区所使用的谷类不同故获得的啤酒的特点也不同,如颜色,气味,口感。 Brewing is the production of alcohol through fermentation. This reference is mainly used in reference to the production of beer. Because the ingredients used to make beer differ from place to place, the characteristic of beer also differs. As a result, characteristics such as color, smell and taste vary and thus this leads to classification.,TO,YEASTS (酵母),How to make beer 啤酒的制作过程,为什么要使用麦芽? Why we use malt but not grain? 什么是糊化? Whats burnt? 啤酒的苦味是从哪里来的? Where is the bitter taste from the?,顶酵母和底酵母有什么不同? Whats the different of top yeast and bottom yeast 啤酒中的CO2是从哪里来的? Where the CO2 from?,How to make beer 啤酒的制作过程,啤酒中的成分,水 90%以上 麦芽 11% - 12% 啤酒花 HOP 酵母,Beer classification 啤酒的分类,基本来说,啤酒分为两大类:淡色啤酒 和 浓色啤酒 At the most basic; all beers are either classified as:lager or ale. 这两种啤酒为基础,变化出上千种不同的啤酒。 Together, these two classes of beer collectively make up thousands of different varieties of beer. 这上千种不同的啤酒将是使用不同的原料或添加不同的口味制成的。水果,蔬菜,香料创造出独特的口味。 Although there are generally only two types of beer, several thousand unique types of beer are created through different combinations of ingredients and added flavors. Fruit, vegetables, spices and so on are added to both lagers and ales to create different and unique beer with flavors. 这两种啤酒的不同是因为酿造过程的不同,加入的不同的酵母和发酵环境。如温度和时间。 The difference between the two beverages begins during the brewing process. Whether the beer is a lager or ale is defined by the type of yeast used in the brew and the temperature at which fermentation takes place.,Lager 啤酒颜色较淡,口味干,酒精度比Ales低。主要有4种不同的Lager Lager tends to be paler, drier and less alcoholic than ales. There are basically four types of beer that fall under the lager category:,淡Lager通常更多的碳酸饱和,它的颜色更淡,如百威 Pale lager usually contains more carbonation than the other types of beer. It tends to be light in color as well as in body, examples are Coors and Budweiser. 全麦啤酒是另外一种淡色Lager,它有更明显的特点,口味也更苦一点。 All Milt Pilsner is another type of lager that is pale in color. However, pilsners tend to have more distinct flavors and are often more bitter than American style pale lager. 浓色啤酒是由烘培过的麦芽和啤酒花制成,所以具有丰富的口味,颜色也更深。 Dark lagers are made with roasted barley and hops, and therefore have richer flavor, a very dark color and a full-bodied taste. 淡色啤酒 中的啤酒花和大麦含量比较少,所以它的卡里路和酒精含量低使得它更健康。 Light lager beer contains less hops and barleys, which reduces the calorie and alcohol content of the beer making it healthier to consume.,Lager,Ales; ale, porter & stouts,总的来说,Ale的酒精含量较高,比Lagers口感更丰富,更烈。主要包括下列三种 Generally, ales are higher in alcohol content, more robust and complex than lagers. The main types of beer that are referred to as ales include brown ale, porter and stout. Brown Ale 通常是红色或铜色,它的口味相对温和。 Brown ale is usually red or copper colored rather than brown. It has a milder flavor than the other types of ale beer. Porters是黑色并丰满的,黑啤酒通常有很强的烘烤麦芽的口味而让人回忆起巧克力。啤酒花的口味中等。 Porters are darker and more full bodied. Porters usually have a more noticeable barley flavor that is reminiscent of chocolate, along with a mild hop flavor. Stouts 是最黑的一种啤酒,几乎是黑色的。它有很强的大麦和啤酒花的味道。 Stouts are the darkest type of beer, almost black in color. They are thick and taste strongly of the barley and hops that they are made from.,按生产方式分类: 鲜啤酒: Draught 熟啤酒: Bottle Beer,Beer classification 啤酒的分类,Beer Brand 啤酒的品牌,Heineken Holland Budweiser American Tiger Singapore San Miguel Philippines Carlsberg Denmark Asahi Japan Corona Mexico Guinness Irish,Beer & food 啤酒和食品的搭配,Fine dining and beer is making a comeback! Countries with a long beer drinking tradition have developed cuisines highly compatible with their favorite beverage. German sausages and smoked goods go down well with pilsner and the British love ale with their fish and chips. Stout compliments oysters and Welsh rarebit while the French developed terrines and pates to serve with a glass of beer in the brasseries. Modern Australia eats an enormous diversity of foods thanks to its multicultural nature and genuine love of beer!,好的啤酒和食品搭配会使客人再次光临 不同国家的习惯和传统使得啤酒和食品成为良好的配搭。如:德国香肠和烟熏的食品同暗色lager 搭配,而英国人则喜欢Ale同他们的鱼和薯片搭配。 Stout 适合和生蚝和野兔,法国人也用啤酒搭配拼盘。而时尚的澳大利亚人更喜欢用啤酒搭配各种意大利美食。,Chinese and Malaysian/中餐和马来餐 A flavored packed dish like Cantonese stir fry, rich duck or Singapore fried noodles deserve a refreshing ice cold light beer such as: Budweiser light ice, Fosters light ice or Michelob Ultra. Thai a
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