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四川省成都外国语学校2018-2019学年九年级英语上学期期中试题A卷(共65分,每小题一分) Part I Listening TestI . Listen to 5 questions or sentences and choose the correct responses according to what youve heard from the tape. Each question or sentence will be read only once. (5%)1. A. They are in the car. B. They are for entertainment. C. They arent working. D. They are for stopping the car. 2. A. On the left. B. At 80 kph. C. 75 kilometers. D. For one hour.3. A. I like traveling by plane. B. Walking is good exercise. C. I hate trains. D. It means you can go everywhere.4. A. T-shirts and jeans. B. On weekends.C. I dress for the weather. D. With my friends.5. A. We are going on holiday. B. Sorry, I didnt mean to do it. C. My dog was hurt in an accident. D. I finally get my diploma.II. Listen to the short dialogues and choose the correct answers to the questions. Each dialogue will be read only once. (5%)6. How is the woman possibly going to travel?A. By car. B. By train. C. By bus. D. By air. 7. What size shoes does the man take?A. 40. B. 41. C. 42. D. 43.8. How long can the woman park here?A. 30 minutes. B. 60 minutes. C. 90 minutes. D. 9 hours.9. Where does the conversation possibly happen?A. At the ticket counter. B. In the classroom.C. At the airport. D. In the playground.10. What are they doing now?A.Cleaning the room. B. Fixing the clock. C. Drinking water. D. Making coffee.III. Listen to a passage and judge the following statements True or False. If its true, choose A; if its false, choose B. The conversation will be read twice. (5%)11. Traveling by car is popular around the world.12. You can change your travel plans easily when you go by both car and plane.13. People with large cars can sleep in their vehicles.14. Driving is one of the fastest means to travel between cities.15. You can enjoy a road trip in any weather.IV. Listen to a conversation and choose the correct answers to the questions. The conversation will be read twice. (5%) 16. Whats the name of the clothes store? A. Marys. B. Martins. C. Mias. D. Terrys 17. The man likes the sweater but he wants a _. A. larger one B. baggier one C. smaller one D. medium one 18. A fitting room is a place where you can _. A. buy clothes B. try on clothes C. make clothes D. wash clothes 19. How much does the sweater cost? A. $24.39. B. $24.19. C. $24.99 D. $24.93. 20. Why doesnt the man buy the hat? A. Because he doesnt like the style. B. Because he doesnt like the color red. C. Because he doesnt have enough money. D. Because he has too many hats. V. Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. Each passage will be read twice. (5%)21. When did the accident happen? A. At 9. 40 B. At 9.14 C. At 8.46 D. At 9.0422. How many vehicles were involved in the accident?A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 523. In which direction was the bus driving when the accident occurred ? A. South B. North C. East D. West24. How long was the road blocked after the accident? A. For about an hour. B. For about 3 hours. C. For about 5 hours. D. For about 6 hours.25.What caused the accident?. A. The bus driver was very tired. B. People drove too fast in the morning. C. The bus driver drank a lot on the way. D. The bus driver was looking at his mobile phone. VI. Listen to the passage carefully and complete the chart with one word only. The passage will be read twice. (5%)Vending machineDefinition of a vending machineA small machine that _26_ basic things.Places where you can find a vending machineYou can find them in _27_ places like a train station or a shopping mall. Reasons why people love vending machinesThey are _28_to people 24 hours a day.They dont need salespeople._29_ for using the vending machineFind what you want.Put the cash into the machine.Press the _30_Pick up the food from the small box at the bottom of the machinePart II Written Test I. Multiple choices (10 scores)Choose the similar word or phrase for the underlined part in each sentence. (4 scores)31. Obviously, Eddie enjoys his life in the new school a lot. A. Actually B. Clearly C. Generally D. Particularly32. The man walking on the road knows how the major accident happened. A. went on B. developed C. took the place D. occurred 33. The fat man will take the blue jacket because its
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