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现场管理流程 Site Management Process,现场流程清单 Process List,物料采购 Material Purchase 进货检验 Incoming Inspection 物料退货 Goods Return 生产发料 Production Goods Issue 生产执行 Production Execution 不合格品控制 No-confirming Goods Control 成品发货 Finished Goods Shipment 客户退货 Customer Goods Return,物料采购 Goods Purchase,下达采购单 Release PO,采购员 Buyer,发货 Goods Issue,供应商 Vendor,实物清点 Goods Check,仓库 Warehouse,检验员 Inspector,收货 Goods Receipt,打印收货单 Print Receipt Notes,确认返回 Check and Leave,进货检验流程 Incoming Inspection,上货架 Goods Put Away,物料退货流程 Goods Return,不合格品 Non-confirming Goods,合格品 Confirming Goods,进货检验 Incoming Inspection,下达报验单 Inspect Order,检验员 Inspector,检验判断 Goods Inspection,仓库 Warehouse,确认检验结果 Confirm Inspection,物料退货流程 Goods Return,不合格品 Non-confirming Goods,上货架 Goods Put Away,合格品 Confirming Goods,移到不合格品区 Move To NC Area,移到物料库 Move To Warehouse,物料退货 Goods Return,下达退货单 Return Order,仓库 Warehouse,发放退货实物 Issue Return Goods,检验员 Inspector,供应商 Vendor,实物清点确认 Check and Confirm,打印退货回执 Print Return Notes,门卫 Safeguard,出门检查 Pass Check,退货回执 Return Notes,生产发料 Production Goods Issue,下达领料单 Procure Order,生产车间 Plant,捡货 Goods Pick Up,仓库 Warehouse,发货 Goods Issue,配送到生产线边 Move To Production Area,清点交接 Goods Check,生产执行 Production Execution,生产单上线 WO Start,生产车间 Plant,仓库 Warehouse,生产单收货 Goods Receipt,生产操作和检验 Production & Inspection,下达生产单 Release WO,计划员 Planner,包装 Packing,上货架 Put Away,检验员 Inspector,不合格品控制流程 NC Goods Control,不合格嫌疑品 Non-confirming Goods,PS,不合格品控制 Non-confirming Goods Control,下达报验单 Inspect Order,检验员 Inspector,检验 Inspection,申请人 Requestor,确认检验结果 Inspection Confirm,不合格品 NC Goods,合格品 Confirming Goods,车间 Plant,发现不合格嫌疑品 Suspicious NC Goods,标识隔离 Mark and insulate,是否自制件 Self-made?,返工流程 Rework Process,退货流程 Goods Return,Yes,No,报废流程 Scrap Process,回用 Return to Use,是否可返工 Reworkable?,Yes,No,成品发货 Finished Goods Shipment,下达发货单 Release DO,计划员 Planner,门卫 Safeguard,捡货 Goods Pickup,仓库 Warehouse,客户 Customer,装车 Uploading,打印送货单 Print ASN,出门检查 Pass Check,签收 Goods Receipt,承运商 Shipper,送货 Shipment,发货确认 Ship Confirm,送交客户回单 Receipt Notes,发货 Goods Issue,客户退货 Customer Goods Return,客户退货 Return Goods,仓库 Warehouse,客户 Customer,检验员 Inspector,收货 Goods Receipt,不合格品控制流程 NC Goods Control,实物清点 Goods Check,打印退货回执单 Print Receipt Notes,
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