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A,Which of these situations would you find the most difficult to deal with?,1 Losing a lot of money 2 Moving house 3 Moving to another country 4 Losing your job 5 A new boss 6 New neighbors 7 Driving abroad 8 Getting married,B,What has been the most significant change in your life?,C,Which of these business situations would worry you most? Why?,1 You read in the paper that your company will probably be merging with another company. 2 You keep your job after a merger, but you are in a less powerful position. 3 Your company has to relocate to the other side of the city. 4 You are asked to relocate to a dangerous foreign country. 5 You are promoted but are now in charge of a hostile workforce. 6 You have to move from an open plan office to sharing your bosss office. 7 You have to work with a completely new computer system. 8 You have to decide who to make redundant in your new department after a merger.,A,Discuss these questions. Which department stores have you visited in your own country or abroad?,1 What were your impressions? 2 What in your view should a 21st century department store look like? 3 What should it offer its customers?,B,Now read the article. What are the names of the two US department stores mentioned in the article?,C,Match these people to their views.,1 Britt Breemer 2 Wendy Liebmann 3 Peter Williams 4 Arnold Aronson 5 Robert Tamilia,a) This is not the end of department stores but in the future they will be different. b) American department stores are not different enough from each other. c) Selfridges has changed into an up-to-date store. d) Department stores need to recognize their problems and have to change. e) Selfridges new approach works.,D,What changes have taken place at:,It has changed from an old-fashioned department store into an up-to-date retailing experience. Its an interesting and exciting place to shop and attracts customers by selling the right goods, in the right quantities at the right time.,Many stores are being improved as part of Federateds reinvent strategy, including better fitting rooms, easy-to-use price-check devices, comfortable areas for people to sit and rest, computer access rooms and shopping trolleys.,E,Which of these groups of people are mentioned in the article?,1 agents 6 manufacturers 2 clients 7 retailers 3 consumers 8 shoppers 4 customers 9 vendors 5 discounters 10 wholesalers, line 1, line 69, line 23, line 22, line 46,F,Which of the groups of people in Exercise E:,1 are buyers? 2 are sellers? 3 are intermediaries? 4 offer goods at reduced prices? 5 sell directly to the public?,clients, consumers, customers, shoppers,discounters, retailers, vendors,agents, wholesalers,discounters,discounters, retailers, vendors,G,What are the differences between the types of retail outlet in the box? Consider the following factors: size, prices, product range, length and frequency of shopping visits, customer service level.,large,large,large,Very small,small,It depends,high,high,high,low,wide,wide,wide,Very narrow,narrow,Average frequent,Long, less frequent,Long, less frequent,Short, frequent,Short, frequent,low,low,low,high,high,A,Listen to the first part of the interview. Match these phrases to their meaning.,1 supply chain means: warehousing and delivery systems b) customers and clients c) supermarket stores and retail outlets 2 a third party here means: in-house staff b) an external company c) another company in the group 3 people see the barriers eliminated means: a) that it is easier for people to do things than it was before b) that it is harder for people to do things than it was before c) that there is no difference in the way people do things,B,Now listen to the first part again and answer these questions.,1 Why did the new Chief Executive want to change things at Sainsburys? 2 In which three areas was new investment necessary? 3 What changes have there been in peoples attitudes? 4 What evidence of benefits has there been so far?,Because Sainsburys had been successful but had become complacent.,In the supply chain depots (warehouses) and logistics infrastructure; in upgrading the stores & in new IT (computer systems),Some people feel released: they feel free to work in new ways, but others have found this more difficult.,Apart from the change in attitudes, there has been 700m in measurable benefits,C,Listen to the second part of the interview. What do the following numbers refer to?,14,000 b) 50 c) 22 d) 100,000,The total number of sales tills in Sainsburys stores.,The maximum number of tills in one store.,The number of stores per week in which they changed the tills.,The number of people who had to be retrained.,D,Which three areas does Maggie say are important to focus on when planning change?,1 Peoples attitudes, culture and how they are rewarded (for example with pay, promotion, etc.) 2 Business processes 3 Computer systems,A,Write the verbs
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