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【五星版】新托福作文写作必备词语句型34种错误分析与高分模板【五星版】新托福作文写作必备词语句型34种错误分析与高分模板1、表示原因1)There are three reasons for this。2)The reasons for this are as follows。3)The reason for this is obvious。4)The reason for this is not far to seek。5)The reason for this is that.。例如 There are three reasons for the changes that have taken place inourlife。Firstly,peoples living standard has been greatly improved。Secondly,most people are well paid,and they can afford what they need or like。Last but not least,more and more people prefer to enjoy modern life。2、表示好处1)It has the following advantages。2)It does us a lot of good。3)It benefits us quite a lot。4)It is beneficial to us。5)It is of great benefit to us。例如: Books are like friends.They can help us know the world better,and they can open our minds and widen our horizons.Therefore,reading extensively is of great benefit to us。3、表示坏处1)It has more disadvantages than advantages。2)It does us much harm。3)It is harmfulto us。例如:However,everything dividesinto two.Television can also4、表示重要、必要、困难、方便、可能1)It is important(necessary,difficult,convenient,possible)for sb.to do sth。2)We think it necessary to do sth。3)It plays an important role in our life。例如: Computers are now being used everywhere,whether in the government,in schools or in business.Soon,computers will be found in every home,too.We have good reason to say that computers are playing an increasingly important role in our life and we have stepped into the Computer Age。5、表示措施1)We should take some effective measures。2)We should try our best to overcome(conquer)the difficulties。3)We should do our utmost in doing sth。4)We should solve the problems that we are confronted(faced)with。例如:The housing problem that we are confronted with is becoming more and more serious.Therefore,we must take some effective measures to solve it。这些句型都是各位托友熟悉的句型,大家只要反复造句,反复运用,很快就会运用自如了。在托福考试中,利用这些句式进行组合,就可以表达清楚观点,写出逻辑清晰有条理的托福作文了。2012新托福作文高分必备60词新托福考试作文高分评判标准之一,就是看你对于词汇的驾驭能力,这里的“驾驭”指的不光指你的单词量有多大,还包括你的词汇用的有多么的准确。这种准确就像是东北人听到了“俺们”,北京人听到了“有范”,上海人听到了“晓得伐?”,广东人听到了”点解“。换句话说,就是“地道”。要想使自己的托福作文原汁原味,你需要运用美国人在生活中常用的词汇,当你把这些词汇融入你的作文之中的时候,那么你的作文就会给人一种亲切的感觉,这也就是高分托福作文的境界。下面,以下为您提供托福作文高分词汇60个,请注意,等号前面的是实际使用的,等号后面的是中国学生经常使用的单词。aid=assist(帮助,援助)alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问)assail=denounce(谴责)axe=dismissreduce(解雇,减少)balk=impede(阻碍)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blast=explode(爆炸)begin=commence(开始)bid=attempt(努力)bilk=cheat(欺骗)bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)claim=ause the death of(夺去的生命)clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制)dip=decIlne or decrease(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appointnominate(命名,提名)moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查)gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appointnominate(命名,提名)moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)slay=murder(谋杀)soar=skyrocket(急剧上升)spur=encourage(激励,鞭策)swap=exchange(交流,交换)sway=influence(影响)trim=reduce(削减)vie=compete(竞争)vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)2013托福考试写作常用词组50条英文写作反映考生综合运用英语语言的能力,只有在宏观和微观两个方面都把握得当才能构成一篇完美的TOEFL作文。这里的宏观是就一篇文章的框架结构而言的,而微观是指一篇文章的语篇要素,即文章中表达意义的微观单位,包括单词、短语和句子。语篇要素运用的纯熟,能很好地反映一个人的语言修养,准确的用词、多样化的句式结构以及精妙得体的修辞会使整篇文章熠熠生辉,极富感染力。 1.have an ace in the hole握有王牌,很有把握When you have the ace in your hand,you have something which you can use to gain an advantage when you need it.have an ace in the hole(American)2.a class act(在运动或演艺方面)很出色的人I have been tracking Neil for a year,he is a class act and I have got a lot respect for his ability.我已跟踪尼尔一年,他是个出色的家伙,我很崇拜他的能力。3.break ones back努力地工作When youre breaking your back to make an enterprise work,its going to cut into your time with family.当你全身心投入工作的时候,会侵占到家庭生活的时间。4.get someones back up激怒某人What does get my back up is a girlfriend who gets too jealous if someone else finds me attractive.5.hat in hand求助,乞讨He ended up going hat in hand to the neighbours.他沦落到向邻居乞讨。6.in the cards可能发生He believes an invasion was never in the cards.他相信入侵永不会发生。7.a change of heart态度的改变8.get no change out of someone从某人处没有得到任何帮助You wont get any change out of hi
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