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【优品合同】知名国际学校外籍专任教师就业协议(中英双语版本)MB International Education GroupMB国际教育集团PROFESSIONAL STAFF EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT专职人员就业协议THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made between MB International Education Group (herein called “MB”) and JENNY (herein called the “Teacher”) on this 29th day of November 20GG.此份协议由MB国际教育集团(简称MB)与 JENNY(简称老师)在20GG年11月29号拟定。WHEREAS: A. MB is a incorporated company which has been set up to develop and operate a proven high quality International pre-university international school model in new premises which is to be developed ready for the start of the September 20GG school year in the Peoples Republic of China (the “PRC”) and in Asia generally; andMB国际教育集团是一家致力于开办和经营国际学校的公司,为学生提供经过认证的高质量新型一条龙式预科国际教育,学校将于20GG年9月正式落成。B. MB in certain circumstances engages teachers on behalf of designated schools where documentation at the school level may be delayed for regulatory or other such reasons. In such cases, the teacher is deemed to be engaged by the designated school (the “School”) but, in any event, MB undertakes full responsibility for all the teachers employment terms of this Agreement not otherwise complied with by the designated school. In this regard ,“MB ” in this contract is construed as being “MB ” and/or the “designated School”.MB国际教育集团代表学校招募与管理教师,一般情况下,教师属于指定学校管理(简称“学校”),在任何情况下,MB可以对教师的任职合同条款全权负责,合同中的MB为MB国际教育集团或者学校。C. MB wishes to employ the Teacher and the Teacher wishes to be employed by MB as a teacher at the School (which is located in GuanYChou, GuanLNong, PRC) on the terms and conditions set out below.MB同意聘请教师,教师愿意受聘于MB作为学校老师并接受以下条款内容。(学校在中国LN省YC市)1.Employment 雇佣1.1 Term 条款MB hereby employs the Teacher as a full-time teacher at the School, and the Teacher hereby accepts the employment for a term of two school years, commencing on the 1st day of December, 20GG up to and including the last day of June 20GG (the “Term”).MB聘请老师为学校的专职教师,老师接受为期两年的聘用,时间为20GG年12月01至20GG年7月31号。1.2 Teachers Duties 教师职责The Teacher shall provide to MB her teaching services as described in the Conditions of Employment attached hereto and provide such other services as may from time to time be assigned by MB (the “Services”).老师为履行条款所述以及其他指定的教学活动。Subject to performance of the Services and the terms of this agreement, the Teacher shall be entitled to receive compensation directly from MB or the School and indirectly through MB or the School in accordance with Clause 2 of this agreement.根据条款的执行情况,老师直接享受MB支付的薪资Salary,或者间接由MB及条款2指定学校发放的薪资Salary。2. Compensation 薪资Salary2.1 Calculation of Basic Compensation 基本薪资SalaryThe Teacher shall be entitled to a basic compensation, payable in accordance with Section 2.5 below (the “Basic Compensation”). Basic Compensation will be RMB175,000 for the first year from December 1st ,20GG to July 31th, 20GGand RMB250,000 for the second year covered in the Term of this agreement. 老师享受基本薪资Salary,依据基本薪资Salary的2.5条款,基本薪资Salary在协议期间第一年从20GG年12月1日至20GG年7月31日为GGX,000人民币,第二年为GGX,000人民币。2.2 Contract Completion Bonus 合同完成奖金BonusIf the Teacher has performed the Services for the full Term and completed all of the terms of this Agreement, the Teacher shall also be entitled to a Contract Completion Bonus equivalent to 20% of the Basic Compensation received by the Teacher during the Term and this Contract Completion Bonus will be paid at the end of the Term. In the event the Teacher is dismissed or voluntarily terminates her employment prior to the end of the Term, the Teacher will not be entitled to receive the Contract Completion Bonus. The Principal has the authority to award the Contract Completion Bonus to teachers who, in exceptional circumstances, must terminate their her contract before its completion.如果老师在合同期间履行了条款的服务,老师将会享受合同完成奖金Bonus,奖金Bonus为基本薪资Salary的20%,在学期末支付。如果期间老师解雇或者自动离职,此项奖金Bonus不被享受。在特殊情况下,在合同期完成前终止合同的,校长有权给老师颁发合同完成奖金Bonus。2.3 Early Payment of Contract Completion Bonus 提前支付合同完成奖金BonusSubject to Clause 8.2 hereof, if: 根据8.2条款规定,以下情况提前支付:(i) in the opinion of the Principal, the Teacher has duly performed her Services and completed all requirements of this agreement; 校长认为老师如期的完成了所有协议条款以及服务。(ii) in accordance with Clause 8.1 hereof, the Teacher has advised MB that she will not renew her employment contract with MB for the next school year; and 依据8.1条款,老师提前告知MB不继续履行来年合约。(iii) the Teacher has provided to MB evidence that she will be leaving the School; then the Teacher shall be deemed to have completed the requirements of this Agreement and MB shall pay to the Teacher her Contract Completion Bonus on or before the end of the school year. 老师给MB提供需离校的证明,老师可被视为完成协议,MB在学年底或之前支付合同完成奖。2.4 Personal Taxation and Total Compensation for Tax Department Reporting 个人税收与薪酬报告In addition to Basic Compensation, Contract Completion Bonus, and any taxable portion of housing allowance, the Teacher acknowledges that for pu
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