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【五星版】中英对译版十六年一贯制高端国际学校办学方案书【五星版】中英对译版十六年一贯制高端国际学校办学方案书A Contract on Developing and Running Schools from Kindergarten to Senior High School in JG区 District of NP甲方:NP市JG区教育局地址:RR省RR市RR区RR大道RR号Party A: Education Bureau of JG区 District of NPAddress:RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR乙方:香港PK国际教育集团Party B:PK International Education Group(HK)地址为:香港中环兰桂坊RR号Winesome大厦Address:RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR鉴于:Whereas:1.甲乙双方为丰富JG区教育的层次,NP市JG区教育局与PK国际就JG区PK国际学校项目合作达成以下协议。1. In order to enrich the education levels, Education Bureau of JG区 District of NP and PK国际 make and enter into the following agreement on the Fei E Ling International School Project in JG区 District.2.乙方具备经营国际学校专业知识及丰富经验,建立和运作成熟及优质的大学前的国际学校模式,涵盖幼儿园到高中。该公司在HK及Macao建立的加国国际学校,在区内学校中拥有领导地位。2. Party B is equipped with the professional knowledge and rich experience in running international school, and with international school model to establish and run the mature and superior pre-university, covering kindergarten to senior high school. The Canadian International Schools established both in Hong kong and in Macao by the Company boast the leadership position among the schools in the district.3.乙方所办为国际学校采用加国阿省教育厅认证的课程结合中国中文课程,培养学生可报考全世界优质大学。本校将致力将加国、美国、英国等先进的教育理念引进RR并在本校成立国际文化交流站,为RR乃至RR所有教师、学生做到海外留学,游学及教育交流,交换学生及加国、美国教育信息资源交流。同时本校愿为RR教师提供国外教育理念、教育方法等培训交流,并为教师与学生提供到加国参观交流的机会。本校可每年带加国学生到RR重点中学进行交流,推进JG区学校与加国阿学校成为姐妹学校,促进RR与加国教育文化的交流。3. The International School operated by Party B adopts the courses authenticated by Albert Provincial Ministry of Education of Canada integrated with Chinese courses, and the cultivated students may apply for superior universities in the world wide. The School will be dedicated to introducing the advanced education philosophy of Canada, the USA, and Britain to RR, and establishing international culture communication station, which offers the opportunities of oversea study, study tour and education communication to all teachers and students in RR even in RR, exchanges students and makes communication of education information with Canada and the USA. Meanwhile, the School is willing to provide the teachers in RR with foreign education philosophy, education approach and other training and communications, and provide the teachers and students with the opportunity to visit and communicate in Canada. In each year, the School will bring the Canada students to key high schools in RR for communication, promote the school in JG区 District to be the sister schools of Canada Albert School, and boost the educational and cultural communication between RR and Canada.4.甲方同意将位于JG区RRG,占地面积约RRRRG 平方米的教育用地提供给乙方兴建由幼儿园至高中的学校项目。乙方拟建 RRRRG平方米建筑面积的优质学校,为中国和外国护照持有学生提供非学历教育幼儿园、小学至高中级学历教育。4. Party A agrees to provide the education use land with an area of RRRR square meters located at the Fei E Ling, JG区 District to Party B for the establishment of School Project ranging from kindergarten to senior high school. Party B proposes to build a superior school with the floor area of RRRRG square meters, offering non-diploma education to Chinese students and the students with foreign passport from kindergarten, primary school to senior high school.计划办学规模:幼儿园共G个年级,每年级RR个班,每班RR人,每年级RRG名学生,共RRG人。小学共G个年级,每年级G个班,每班RR人,共RRG名学生。初中、高中即7至12年级共G个年级,每年级G个班,每班RR人,共RR名学生。由幼儿园到高中学生共RRRR人,教师RR人,教职员工RR人,以及其他管理人员(含后勤人员)共RRG人。(不含校巴司机及跟车人员)Planning scale of school-running: the kindergarten has G grades, each grade consists of G classes, each class accommodates RR students, thus each grade has RRG students, and the kindergarten has RRG students in total. The primary school has G grades, each grade consists of G classes, each class accommodates RR students, and thus the primary school has RRG students in total. The junior and senior high school, namely, 6 grades from Grade 7 to Grade 12, each grade consists of G classes, each class accommodates 25 students, and there are RRG students in total. There are RRRR students in total from kindergarten to senior high school, RR teachers, RR faculty and staff, and RRG other administrative personnel (including logistic personnel). (Excluding the school bus drivers and levermen)5.乙方负责兴建上述学校的全部资金投入,包括学校的建筑、装修、办学设备及筹办运营学校,共约投入资金为 RRG亿 元。其中基建约RRRR万元,包括基建工程、设备工程、装修工程、户外活动场地工程;办学设备共约RRRR万元;启动资金约RRG万元。5. Party B shall be responsible for all capital investment for building the foresaid School, including school buildings, decoration, school equipment, and making preparation for running school, approximately investing capital of RMB RRG million in total. Of which the infrastructure is approximately RMB RR million, including infrastructure engineering, equipment engineering, decoration engineering, and outdoor venues engineering; the school equipment is approximately RMB RR million; and the initial capital is approximately RMB G million.6.产权归属:上述学校由JG区教育局即甲方提供教育用地,以甲方名义建设,由乙方投资建设学校及办学。该校的产权归属甲方即JG区教育局,乙方拥有该校RR年的使用权。6. Property ownership: the land of foresaid School is provided for education use by Party A, namely the
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