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卡梅伦首相府发表的胜选英语演讲稿Ive just been to see Her Majesty the Queen, and I will now form a majority Conservative government.Ive been proud to lead the first coalition government in 70 years, and I want to thank all thosewho worked so hard to make it a success; and in particular, on this day, Nick Clegg. Electionscan be bruising clashes of ideas and arguments, and a lot of people who believe profoundly inpublic service have seen that service cut short. Ed Miliband rang me this morning to wish meluck with the new government; it was a typically generous gesture from someone who isclearly in public service for all the right reasons.The government I led did important work: it laid the foundations for a better future, and nowwe must build on them. I truly believe were on the brink of something special in our country;we can make Britain a place where a good life is in reach for everyone who is willing to workand do the right thing. Our manifesto is a manifesto for working people, and as a majoritygovernment we will be able to deliver all of it; indeed, it is the reason why I think majoritygovernment is more accountable.Three million apprenticeships; more help with childcare; helping 30 million people cope with thecost of living by cutting their taxes; building homes that people are able to buy and own;creating millions more jobs that give people the chance of a better future. And yes, we willdeliver that in/out referendum on our future in Europe.As we conduct this vital work, we must ensure that we bring our country together. As I said inthe small hours of this morning, we will govern as a party of one nation, one United Kingdom.That means ensuring this recovery reaches all parts of our country: from north to south, fromeast to west. And indeed, it means rebalancing our economy, building that “NorthernPowerhouse”. It means giving everyone in our country a chance, so no matter where youre fromyou have the opportunity to make the most of your life. It means giving the poorest peoplethe chance of training, a job, and hope for the future. It means that for children who dont getthe best start in life, there must be the nursery education and good schooling that cantransform their life chances. And of course, it means bringing together the different nations ofour United Kingdom.I have always believed in governing with respect. Thats why in the last Parliament, we devolvedpower to Scotland and Wales, and gave the people of Scotland a referendum on whether to stayinside the United Kingdom. In this Parliament I will stay true to my word and implement asfast as I can the devolution that all parties agreed for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.Governing with respect means recognising that the different nations of our United Kingdomhave their own governments, as well as the United Kingdom government. Both are important,and indeed with our plans, the governments of these nations will bee more powerful, withwider responsibilities. In Scotland, our plans are to create the strongest devolved governmentanywhere in the world with important powers over taxation. And no constitutional settlementwill be plete, if it did not offer, also, fairness to England.When I stood here 5 years ago, our country was in the grip of an economic crisis. Five years on,Britain is so much stronger, but the real opportunities lie ahead. Everything Ive seen over thelast 5 years, and indeed, during this election campaign, has proved once again that this is acountry with unrivalled skills and creativeness; a country with such good humour, and suchgreat passion, and Im convinced that if we draw on all of this, then we can take theseislands, with our proud history, and build an even prouder future.Together we can make Great Britain greater still. Thank you.
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