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Week 6,April 22,Premier Li Keqiang on Saturday afternoon visited the area torn by a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Chinas Sichuan Province, calling for wasting no time to save lives,BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua net) - Civil departments and charity organizations in China have issued information on how to give donations. The Civil Affairs Bureau of Yaan City has opened hotlines for the public, saying it is already starting to receive donations of disaster relief materials and food. The China Charity Federation has released bank account details to receive donations. The federation, established in 1994, is a nationwide non-governmental charity organization. Meanwhile, the Sichuan Provincial Charity Federation has also published bank account details and hotlines for donations. It reminds donors to confirm the accounts beforehand. Red Cross Society of China, and the One Foundation have also published details of bank accounts to receive donations,earthquake 地震 shake 震动;摇晃 tremor颤动;震动 temblor 美语 地震 hit 袭击、打击,使遭受 strike 突然发生;打击 jolt 使颠簸,摇晃 rock 摇,摇动,使振动 roll across 波动,起伏,横摇 rip through 裂开,破开;突进,横撞直闯 damage 损害;损伤 destroy 毁坏,破坏;摧残 shatter 破坏;捣毁;破灭 devastate 蹂躏,破坏;使荒废;毁灭 level 推倒,夷平 flatten 夷为平地,seismological 地震学上的 seismology 地震学 seismograph 地震仪 seismographer 地震学家 aftershock 余震 smaller tremors 小地震 epicenter 震中 magnitude 震级 Richter Scale(1-10) 里氏震级 at a scale of 7.8 on the Richter calculations 里氏7.8级地震 earthquake monitoring 地震监控 tsunami 海啸 rock and mud slides 泥石流 tsunami warning system 海啸预警系统 tidal waves 潮汐波,浪潮 natural disaster 自然灾害 tragedy 灾难 wreckage 残骸 death toll 死亡人数 survivors 幸存者 victims 受灾者 international contributions 国际援助 evacuation 撤离 rescue team 救援小组,沈从文湘行散记名句,我行过许多地方的桥,看过许多次数的云,喝过许多种类的酒,却只爱过一个正当最好年龄的人。,我跑过许多次的步,忍过许多次的饭,办过许多张的健身卡,却只得到过一个残酷的事实:又胖了十斤。,True learning implies a clear insight into human activities; Genuine culture involves the skillful manipulation of human relationships. Correct the mistakes if you have committed them, and avoid them if you have not. Above the aged-old trees entwined with rotten vine, crows are hovering as the sun is on the wane. Over the murmuring stream is a tiny wooden bridge, on the far bank of the brook stands a retired little village. 4. When hills bend, streams wind and pathway seems to end, past dark willows and flowers in bloom lies hamlet another.,世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。 有则改之无则加勉。 枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。 山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。,Phonetic S D,Onomatopoeia 拟声,Alliteration 头韵,25,Using Figurative Language,FIGURES OF SPEECH 1. Simile 2. Metaphor 3. Personification 4.Metonymy 5.Synecdoche 6. Euphemism 7. Irony 8. Overstatement and understatement 9. Transferred epithet 10. Oxymoron 11. Alliteration,26,Simile,Simile: it is a comparison between two distinctly different things and the comparison is indicated by the word as or like(defined as comparative word or indicator of resemblance(比喻词)). O my loves like a red, red rose. -Robert Burns That man cant be trusted. Hes as slippery as an eel. The old mans hair is as white as snow.,simile,He had no more idea of art than a cow. - He knew nothing of art. The moon is like a silver plate. - The moon is round and bright. The bed touches as soft as doves down. - The bed is comfortably soft. You are as welcome as flowers in May. - You are very welcome. He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow. ( overwhelming conceit in the man) Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt and can not last.,28,Patterns of simile,1. X is like Y. (X stands for the literal term/tenor(本体), while Y stands for the figurative term/vehicle(喻体).) My wifes new hat is like a lighthouse. He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen for him to crow 2. Xas Y. You can not hope to move me, as you can not expect the sun to rise in the west. I have squandered my life as a schoolboy squanders a tip. 3. X(as)as Y: They are as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean. 4. As Y(, ) so X: As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.,29,5. X is to A what Y is to B: The pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter. What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul 6. Xas if (as though) Y: He talked as if he were the president of the United States. The girl screamed as though she had seen a ghost. 7. X is than Y: She is far sweeter than the flower. 8. X surpasses Y: In clearness, the river water surpasses the purest crystal.,9. X and Y Fish and visitors sink in three days.(鱼放三天臭,人住三天嫌) Words and feathers are tossed by the wind. (言语如羽毛,风刮到处飘) 10. X (does sth.) the way Y (does) I should smell it the way a cat smells a mouse. (我可以像猫嗅老鼠那样闻出它的气味),30,31,Metaphor,Metaphor: it is the use of a word which originally denotes one thing to refer to another with a similar quality. It is also a comparison, but the comparison is implied, not expressed with the word as or like. The picture of those poor peoples lives was carved so sharply in his heart that he could never forget it. T
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