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Thinking Question,Is there cultural difference?,There Are Differences Among Cultures.,By the evolution of human being, the world culture is always full of colors and variety. By the nature of nationality, a nation will not be a nation without its own special culture. In reality, we dont see the homogenous world culture. From the integrated characteristic of culture, cultures can be different.,Chapter 3,Understanding Cultural Differences,Ways to Understanding and Comparing Cultural Differences,1)Normal Distribution of Cultural Characteristics 2)Contrasting Cultural Differences at the Level of Value 3)Contrasting Cultural Differences at the Level of Behavior,Contents,1.Normal Distribution of Cultural Characteristics 2. Understand Cultural Differences at the Level of Values,Understanding Cultural Differences,culture forms,Dominant culture,Co-culture subculture,Understanding Cultural Differences,Dominant cultures is the mainstream culture of a society.,Views of politics,Conceptions,Basic roles,Standard forms of speech,General norms,Han culture,Subcultures/co-cultures,Understanding Cultural Differences,ethnic,occupational,regional,religious,economical,Gender-related,Dominant Culture,Sub-culture/ Co-culture,The Normal Distributions of Cultural Characteristics,Understanding Cultural Differences,文化维度,人数,Chinese Culture,American Culture,Understanding Cultural Differences,Culture A,Culture B,个体主义 Individualism,集体主义 Collectivism,讨论文化差异时指的是国家或民族总体样本的平均水平的差异,而非个体水平的差异。,Understanding Cultural Differences,Culture A,Culture B,文化曲线的陡峭和扁平程度(及数据的集中程度)表现出一种文化理念被一个社会所共同认可的程度。 曲线越扁平,认同程度越低。,Chinese Culture,Japanese Culture,Factors: Stability of social consciousness Homogeneous population Density of population,Understanding Cultural Differences,Comparing Cultures as Overlapping Normal Distribution,Culture difference,Culture difference,Contents,1. Normal Distribution of Cultural Characteristics 2. Understand Cultural Differences at the Level of Values (1)Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value Orientations (2)Hofstedes National Cultures,(1)Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value Orientations,What is the character of human nature? What is the relation of humankind to nature? What is the relationship of people to each other? What is the orientation toward time? What is the value placed on activity?,a. Human nature,(1) is evil but perfectible (2) is a mixture of good and evil (3) good but corruptible,good but corruptible,is evil but perfectible,不同文化对人性的看法有很大差异。,Discussion on Human Nature,Good?,Evil?,mixture of good and evil,任何一种管理理论方法或实践均以一定的人性假设为基础.,Influences of Different Human Nature Orientations on HRM,Theory X,Basic assumption: human nature is evil. employees are inherently lazy and will avoid work if they can. Influences on HRM: -Workers need to be closely supervised and comprehensive systems of controls developed. A hierarchical structure is needed with narrow span of control at each level. - The Theory X manager tends to believe that everything must end in blaming someone. He or she thinks all prospective employees are only out for themselves. -Furthermore, Theory X supervisors cannot trust any employee, and they reveal this to their support staff via their communications constantly.,Theory Y,In this theory management assumes employees may be ambitious, self-motivated, anxious to accept greater responsibility, and exercise self-control, self-direction, autonomy and empowerment. It is also believed that if given the chance employees have the desire to be creative and forward thinking in the workplace. A Theory Y manager believes that, the satisfaction of doing a good job is a strong motivation. A Theory Y manager will try to remove the barriers that prevent workers from fully actualizing themselves,b. Relationship to nature,印尼海啸,(3) subjugation to nature,(1) harmony with nature,(2) mastery with nature,中药材,风水,Do You Know this?,美国是科幻小说大国,科幻电影大国,关于未来外星人的入侵,机器人对世界的占领和威胁,星球大战的爆发,地球生态的哗变,如此种种,大多是美国文化的产物。近年来美国流行幻想世界的末日到来会是怎么一种情形,当整个世界只剩下一个人(如电影I am Legend),或者人类灭亡消失之后的地球会是什么模样(如畅销书The Earth without Us)。 中国至今没有拍过一部类似的影片。相反,看中国的电视频道,十有七八放着古装电影、戏剧或电视连续剧,唐代的、宋代的、清朝的一部接一部,乐此不疲。据统计,自1990年以来,具有这种内容的影视作品已经超过1000部!,Individualistic,Hierarchy/Group Oriented,Social Relationships,Doing,Being,Activity,Present/future Oriented,Past/present Oriented,Sense of Time,People are the Master of Nature,People in Harmony with Nature,Relationship of Humankind to Nature,Good and Evil,Basically Good,Human Nature,Western values,Chinese values,Orientation,(2)Hofstedes National Cultures,Geert Hofstede(1928),是荷兰的Maastricht大学(University of Maastricht)的名誉教授,从事组织机构人类学和国际管理(Organizational Anthropology and Internataional Management)。 文化维度理论是跨文化理论中至今最具影响力的一个理论,由荷兰管理学者郝夫斯特(Hofstede,1980,1991)提出。 该理论是实际调查的产物,起初并无理论构架。 20世纪70年代末,郝夫斯特有机会对分布在40个国家和地区的11.6万名IBM员工进行文化价值观调查。那时,IBM大概是惟一一家全球公司。郝夫斯特的逻辑是,在IBM工作的员工大都有相似的教育背景和智力水平,个性特征也会比较相似。因此,他们对同一问题做出不同的答案反映的不应是其他方面的差异,而更多的是文化对他们产生的影响。 通过对各国IBM员工对于大量问题的回答进行因素分析,郝夫斯特发现有
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