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美联英语提供:医学英语:口腔疾病就诊英语对话小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0龋齿patient: Nurse , would you like to tell me something about caries?Nurse: Of course . What do you want to know?P: What causes dental caries?N: Its mainly caused by certain organisms of the oral flora . It is an irreversible , slowly progressive decay of the hard tissues . It leads to a disintegration of tooth structures and cavitation.P: I wonder if the lesions occus predominantly in particular regions of the tooth?N: Thats right . Its also connected with the defect of the structure of the tooth。P: What is the defect of the structure of the tooth?N: It means the dyspasia of the dentine or the uneven squeezingly positioned teeth and the physically defect with sulci and fossae on the teeth.P: How can we prevent this disease?N: The first . its very important that you pay more attention to the dental hygiene . You should brush your teeth twice a day . once in the morning , and once in the evening . The upper row of the teeth should be brushed first , then the lower row . All the crevices must be cleared of remnant food . Besides that . you should rinse your mouth after meals . The second , take less sweet food , especially for children . Dont take fermented food before you go to bed or wake up at night , such as candy or biscuit . The third , come here for periodical checkups once or twice a year . Caries may progress microscopically a considerable period of time before the lesion can be observed clinically in the tooth strucure . Generally if the cavity is not deep , youll have no symptom, so you should have the permanent filling in case that the cavity may get bigger . The fourth , the methods in using immunization , laser and coating material to prevent caries are still being carried out in tests . The fifth , to build up your health is very important.P: Its very kind of you to answer my questions.病人:护士,您能给我讲讲龋齿吗?护士:当然可以,您想了解什么?龋齿是由什么引起的?护士:龋齿是由口腔菌丛中的某些细菌所引起的。它是在牙齿硬组织中发生的一种不可逆的缓慢进行腐蚀过程,导致牙齿组织崩解及腔洞形成。病人:该病变是否主要发生在牙齿的一些特殊部位?护士:晃的,它知牙齿的结构有缺陷有关。病人:什么是牙齿结构上的缺陷呢?护士:那是指牙齿的硬组织发育不良或牙位拥挤,排列不齐,以及牙齿站的沟窝等生理缺陷。病人:如何预防龋齿病呢?护士:第一,注意口腔卫生非常重要。每日应刷牙两次,早晚各一次。先刷上牙,后刷下牙。要把牙缝里的残余食物都刷干净。除此之外,饭后要漱口。第二,少吃甜食,特别是儿童。不要在睡前或半夜醒来时吃可发酵的食物,如糖果、饼干等。第三,定期来这里检查,一年 1-2 次。在临床上能够观察到牙齿结构病变之前,显微镜下龋齿病的进展可能已持续了相当长的时期。一般龋洞不深时,无任何症状,所以应该早期填充以免龋洞扩大。第四,关于免疫防龋,激光防龋,使用防龋涂料等,现仍在试验阶段。第五,重要的是增进身体健康。病人:非常感谢您给我解答了这么多问题。牙龈炎patient: Nurse , my gums bleed when I brush my teeth . I dont know why .nurse : How long has it been like this?P: For about 5months.N: Open your mouth . Let me have a look There are a lot of dental calculus and odontolith on your teeth . They can stimulate the edge of the gums and cause inflammation and bleding of the gums.P: What are dental calculus and odontolith?N: The dental calculus is the soft calculs on the surface of teeh or at the edge of gums . It appears yello or grey . Its soft and easy to remove . The odontolith is the hard calcified or calcifying lump which is mainly formed by dental plaque . Its hard and dificult to remove.P: How to remove the dental calculus and odontolith?N: The doctors can do it . They remove them with a special instrument or an ultrasonic scaler.P: Thats wonderful . Could you please say something more about ultrasonic curettage?N: Ultrasonic curettage is an effective method of debridement of the soft tissue walls of periodontal pockets , and histological studies of tissue excised after curettage have shown that healing occurs by epithelialization of the sulcuar surface and resolution of inflammation in the gingival corium . The ultrasonic technique is equally as effective as conventional hand instrumentation in calculus removal , but less effective in stain removal . Of course it is more rapid than hand instrumentation.P: Have you found any adverse effects on the tissue of the periodontium?N: No.P: Can we prevent dental calculus and odontolith?N: The most important thing is to pay more attention to dental hygiene . Especially you should learn to brush your teeth correctly.P: I brush them horizontally.N: Thats a wrong way . The correct way is to brush them up and down . To brush them horizontally may rub all the natural enamel off . I think it is also very important to select a suitable toothbrush . The head of the toothbrush should not be too long or too short .For adults , the length of the head of the brush is not more than 35mm , the width is not more than 13mm . For children , the length is not more than 28mm , the width is not more than 11mm . For infants , the length is ont more than 25mm , the width is not more than 8mm.P: I have learned a lot . Thank you very much.N: Not at all.P: I want to have my teeth cleansed . Could you make an appoinment for me ?N: All right . The doctor has got rather a full day tomorrow , You can come here at 10 the day after tomorrow.P: All right . Good bye.N: Good bye.病人:护士,我刷牙时牙龈出血,不知道是什么原因?护士:这种情况有多长时间了?病人:大约有 5 个月了。护士:张开嘴,让我看看。 在您的牙齿上有很多牙垢和牙石。它们可以刺激牙龈的边缘而引起
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