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,Exercises,Reading Comprehension,Structure of the Text,Unit 2: Exercises,Vocabulary,Cloze,Translation,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,1. Did the mother play a crucial role in the authors boyhood according to the text? If ”yes”, in what way?,Yes. Because the mother pushed him to keep on working hard whenever he wanted to relax.,Reference,Ex. I, p.22,2. How did the author respond to his mothers push according to paragraph 4?,At the beginning the author silently protested it, but he gradually accepted it.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,3. Why did the authors mother begin to nudge him toward working with words according to paragraphs 11 and 12?,The authors mother did so for several reasons. Firstly she saw in him the gift of writing; secondly writing was a way of making a living and an opportunity to make success in those days; and finally her family had a tradition to take writing as a career.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,4. Why was Edwin James, the mothers cousin mentioned in paragraph 14?,Edwin was regarded as a success and a good example for the author to follow.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,5. How did the author feel when his childhood fantasy about becoming a journalist with the New York Times came true?,He realized that it was right for his mother to size him up and steer him toward literature.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,6. What changes began to take place in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s according to paragraph 27?,People began to attack on the values that the old generation adhered and they regarded materialists as idiots wasting their lives pursuing material prosperity.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,7. What were the differences between the values the authors mother preached and those the new age exalted?,The differences lies in that people of his mothers generation tended to take money and position as the symbol of success, while people in the new age exalted love, self-gratification, and enjoyment of the reality.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,8. What feelings did the author express in the last 3 paragraphs?,The author was proud of his children for their achievement, and he was grateful to his mothers encouragement the root of his ambition.,Reference,Unit 2: Reading comprehension,1. Introduction (Paras. 17),2. Body (Paras. 833),3. Conclusion (Paras. 3435),Text Outline,Unit 2: Structure of the text,Ex. II, pp.22-23,1. Introduction (Paras. 17),I can still remember my mothers words pushing me to work hard for success in my boyhood.,Text Outline,Unit 2: Structure of the text,2. Body (Paras. 833),Text Outline,Unit 2: Structure of the text,A. My mother _ because of her family tragedy. (Para. 8) B. After my father died, my mother _ to my Uncle Tom and Aunt Goldie for adoption and _ to New Jersey _ with her brother Alen, and finally we settled down there. (Paras. 910),had to drop out of college to find a job,had to give up my sister Audrey,took my other sister and me,to take shelter,2. Body (Paras. 833),Text Outline,Unit 2: Structure of the text,A. _, my mother began nudging me toward working with words because _ and she saw in me the gift of writing. (Paras. 1115) B. I became interested in crime stories in newspapers and I _ working for Baltimore Sun in 1947 upon graduation from John Hopskins. (Paras. 1618),Before I was out of grade school,had a tradition of engaging in writing as a profession,became a police reporter,2. Body (Paras. 833),Text Outline,Unit 2: Structure of the text,A. 7 years later I became the White House correspondent sent by the Sun and I _. It was my mothers words that made me cool down. (Paras. 1921) B. I became a columnist working for the New York Times and _. This proofs that my mother was right _. (Paras. 2226),felt very proud of myself,won a Pulitzer Prize in 1979,to steer me toward literature,2. Body (Paras. 833),4) I tried to extend my mothers impact on me to my own children.,Text Outline,A. In the 1960s and 1970s, _ were attacked. (Para. 27) B. I tried _ but at the same time I tried to fire my children with ambition like my mother did to me. (Paras. 2832) C. I _ for their refusal to match to the drumbeat of the ordinary. (Para. 33),the values preached by my mother,to adapt to the new age,feel proud of my children,Unit 2: Structure of the text,Text Outline,3. Conclusion (Paras. 3435),My mothers encouragement is the roots of my ambition and it has been passed on to my children,Unit 2: Structure of the text,Part A, Ex. V, p.24 Complete the sentences with words given below, making sure that each word is used in t
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