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Unit 3 Campus Life,Reading A Letter to a Friend,教学目标,1 会读本课重点单词. 2 能读懂课文内容并完成读后练习,查找区别,查找区别,查找区别,school classroom Library playground dining hall dormitory,Talking,Baoding No.4 Vocational School,A month ago, I came to Beijing. 一个月前我来到北京。 ago: 一段时间之前 three days ago 三天前 2. When I got to this school, everything was strange to me. 我来到这所学校时,一切对我来说都是陌生的。 get to:到达 They got to school at 7 oclock. 他们7点到了学校。,3. At first, I couldnt follow the teachers in class and I felt nervous. 起初,课上我听不懂老师讲课并感到紧张。 at first: 起初 He couldnt swim at first. 起初他不会游泳。 follow: 跟随,跟得上 Sorry, I cant follow you. 对不起,我没听懂你说的话。,4. They show great concern about my life and study. 他们对我的学习和生活都很关心。 show concern about: 对关心 Our teachers show great concern about our study. 我们老师很关心我们的学习。,5. Now, Im glad to say that with the help of the teachers and my classmates, everything is going well. 现在,我可以很高兴的说, 在老师和同学的帮助下,一切进展顺利。 with the help of: 在的帮助下 He can speak English with the help of his classmates. 在同学的帮助下,他能说英语了。,Exercise,Do exercise 1 on page 20,homework,Do exercise 1 on page 21 Read aloud and copy the text,
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