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1,1,助力梯:创造无障碍的世界,Stairlift: Create a Barrier-Free world,2014.3,2,目标 市场简介 新产品简介 2014年开发计划,Goals Market Research Introduction of New Products R&D plan for 2014,目录 Content,3,研发、制造、销售各类无障碍升降设备 R&D, Manufacture and Sales of lift equipment for the “mobility challenged”. 产品相关的各项服务 Provide product related services 以优秀的品质,完善的售后服务体系,富有竞争力的价格进入市场 To launch high quality products with competitive prices to the market and provide superior services. 成为中国无障碍行业的领头人 To be the leader of the Chinese barrier-free industry 在欧美市场占有30%以上的份额 To acquire 30% market share in North America and Europe,目标 Goals,4,国内人民居住水平的提高,越来越多的别墅,联排,复式建筑 Due to increased affluence, more multi-level houses, townhouses and apartments are being constructed 人口老龄化趋势,越来越多的老年人面临上下楼困难 Aging population facing mobility issues 文明程度的提高,对残障人士的出行方便越来越重视 The industry is adapting to accomodate the disabled,中国无障碍升降设备市场基础 Current status of the barrier -free Equipment Market in China,市场机遇 Market Opportunity,5,老年人:1.44亿 Aging demographic-144million seniors 占全人口:11% Represents 11% of total population 年均增长:3% Average annual increase is 3% 有2800万生活比较富裕老年人,以一家四个老年人考虑,将有700万个家庭有能力购买助力梯 There are 28 million affluent seniors in China. Assuming four seniors per household, there are potential sales of 7 million units,图片,表格位置,老年人市场 Aged,6,残障人士: Physically Challenged: 全国6700多万残障人士 67 million disabled in China 预计有500万台各类无障碍升降设备的需求 Estimated potential demand for lift equipment: 5 million units,残障人士市场 Physically Challenged,7,已建成的别墅和养老院(数据来源:2013年中国座椅电梯市场分析),Existing Villas and Nursing homes(Data source: maketing analysis of seatlift in China, 2013),别墅50万套,1.8万台,18,000 Units,养老院1.87万个,500,000 Villas,0.37万台,18,700 nursing homes,3,700 Units,总计2.17万台 Total: 21,700 units,现有市场预计 Existing Market,8,助力梯不需要井道,不破坏结构,造价低廉,更适合于:联排、复式、文物保护建筑等不能安装常规电梯的场合,Stairlifts do not require a shaft, minimal impact on original construction, lower cost. More suitable for buildings where a typical elevator cannot be installed, such as terrace, duplex apartment, heritage building etc.,比较结果: Conclusion of comparison:,助力梯优势 Advantages of Stairlift,9,市场成熟度有待培养 Market is not educated 客户了解程度不够 Product is not well known by consumers 获取项目信息较难 Difficulty in finding projects,挑战 Challenges:,由电梯行业项目销售模式转变为市场营销模式 Adapt elevator marketing tactics to Stairlifts marketing 传统宣传模式与现代宣传模式(如网络、广告投放等)相结合,大力推广概念及产品 Combine “traditional” marketing with modern marketing i.e. internet, social media etc. Focus on product promotion and market concept 大力发展经销商,建立营销网络 Build dealer network,应对策略 Solutions:,市场挑战和应对 Challenge & Solution,10,直线型座椅助力梯 Straight rail stairlift 适用于复式,两层楼,无需拐弯建筑 Used for stairways without corners 载重120kg-160kg Capacity:120kg-160kg 速度: 0.12m/s Speed: 0.12m/s,直线梯 Straight Rail,11,曲线型座椅助力梯 Curved rail stairlift 适用于各种楼梯结构 Can be used in all kinds of stairways 载重120kg-160kg Capacity:120kg-160kg 速度0.12m/s Speed: 0.12m/s,曲线梯 Curved Rail,12,技术先进:以德国技术为主,结合全球各地区需求综合研发 Advanced technology: poduct is based on German technology and combines expertise from around the world 安全可靠:多重安全保护,符合CSA、UL、CE等标准 Safety and reliability: multiple safety protection, meets CSA, UL & CE Standards 全球采购策略,采用进口马达、PCB板。其它电器部件,均由OMRON等著名公司提供 Global sourcing strategy: imported motor & PCB board. Other electrical components are from world class companies such as OMRON 模块化设计:一天内可以完成的快捷安装 Modular design: can be quickly installed within one day 按照人体工程学设计的座椅,提供最佳的舒适感和最方便的操作方式 Ergonomically designed seat: for comfort and ease of operation,希姆斯优势 Strong Points of Symax,13,垂直式轮椅升降平台 Vertical wheelchair platform: 螺杆驱动 Screw drive 载重300-400kg Capacity:300-400kg 速度3米/分钟 Speed: 3m/minute 室内外适用 Indoor/outdoor application 各种公共建筑无障碍通道 Barrier-free access for public buildings 别墅或者小区建筑无障碍通道 Barrier-free access for residential complexes 家用升降平台 Barrier-free access to personal homes,2014研发计划 R&D plan in 2014,14,图片,表格位置,斜挂式轮椅升降平台 Incline Wheelchair Platform: 钢丝绳球链驱动 载重250kg 速度0.15米/秒 室内外使用 适用场合 Application: 各种公共建筑无障碍通道 Barrier-free access for public buildings 别墅或者小区建筑无障碍通道 Barrier-free access for residential complexes 家用升降平台 Barrier-free access to personal homes,2014研发计划 R&D plan in 2014,Stainless steel chain drive Capacity: 250kg Speed: 9m/minute Indoor or outdoor,15,15,
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