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1新世纪研究生英语教程综合英语(第四版)学生用书 Task5答案Unit 1我静静地躺着,等待着。突然,窗外的生机引起了我的注意:昆虫在和鸣;邻居坐在阳台上,直到深夜,他们说话的声音有些模糊,那声音让我平静下来。我闻到了新割的青草的气息。还有一种说不清的声音可能是树枝扫过隔壁店铺的屋顶吧。Lying still, waiting, I suddenly notice the life outside the window. The bugs sing in chorus. Neighbors, sitting on their verandas until late, speak in hazy words with sanded edges that soothe me. I catch the scent of fresh grass clippings. Then I hear something I cant decode-perhaps a tree branch raking the shop roof next door.Unit2根据政府统计,美国现有一亿一千多万辆汽车,1500 万商业用车或卡车。更多的人口也就意味着更多的汽车。到 21世纪 20年代末,美国人口和汽车都将是今天的两倍。20 年后,个人平均收入也将是今天的 2.5倍。如果把这些增加的收入花在更多、更大型的轿车、更宽大的房子上,花在增加其他商品的消费上,就必然导致资源枯竭和污染。According to government statistics, in the United States, there are over 110 million cars and 15 million commercial vehicles or trucks. And “more people”means“more cars.”By the end of the twenties of the twenty-first century, the population of the United States will have doubled that of today and the number of automobiles will be doubled as well. And in twenty yearstime the per capita income will also be 2.5 times higher than it is now. If this increased income is spent on more and larger automobiles, larger houses, and increased consumption of other material goods, the results could cause catastrophic resource exhaustion, and pollution.Unit3克隆研究正在挑战遗传现象中的许多传统观点。一种共识是人类行为甚至我们这个复杂的社会在某种程度上来说是由基因决定的。社会主义者一直在质疑这种过于简单化的观点,指出人类在很久以前就已挣脱了进化的束缚。Cloning studies are challenging many orthodox views in genetics .A common idea is that human behavior and even our complex society are somehow “determined” by our genes. Socialists have always challenged this simplistic viewpoint, pointing out that humans long ago broke free of evolution.2Unit4在 2005年发生的一连串的灾害中,没有一个能比得上飓风卡特里娜(Katrina)和雷塔(Rita)带给美国人的巨大恐惧。面对被掩埋的城市和冲毁的海岸线惨景,建筑师们的反应是:“我们能做点什么?”当务之急是给遭受飓风袭击的人们提供住所。In the cascade of catastrophes occurring in 2005, none struck Americans more forcefully than Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In response to the images of drowned cities and blasted coastlines, architects throughout the country have asked, “What can we do?” No single aspect commands our collective attention more immediately than housing for storm victims.Unit5根据英国政府昨日公布的计划,如何应对地球上的气候变化威胁将成为英国民用空间战略的核心内容。根据英国国家航天中心(British National Space Centre)起草的战略,英国科学家将开发卫星和先进观测技术,能够从轨道上监测地球的森林采伐状况、冰盖融化情况和恶劣天气。Tackling the threat of climate change on earth will be the heart of Britains civilian space strategy under plans laid out recently by the government . British scientists are to develop satellites and advanced observation technologies capable of looking back at earth from orbit to monitor deforestation, the melting of ice caps and violent weather, according to a strategy drawn up by the British National Space Centre.Unit6在很长一段时间内,电子化的媒介是不可能取代纸张这样的传统媒介的。首先,由于经济条件、地理条件等各种因素的限制,不是任何人在任何地点都有电脑,都能够上网。其次,一些重要合同文书的验证,要求其独一无二的真实性,任何拷贝复制再生都是无效的。另外,文字笔迹具有独特的信息,使数字化手段代替不了的。Over a long period of time, electronic media is/are unlikely to replace such traditional media as paper .First of all, not anyone can afford to have a computer and can log on/surf the Internet at any place due to financial factors, geographical conditions and various other factors. In addition, the verification of some important contracts requires unique authenticity. Any photocopy and duplication is ineffective. Whats more ,one persons handwriting contains particular information which can not be replaced by digital media.3Unit7不管是在运动场上、商界、政界还是其他领域,人们都力争成为本领域最为优秀的人,这是竞争通常展示的人的最好的一面。事实上,公平、友好的竞争常常会产生新的体育运动成果、科学发明或者解决社会问题的有效方法。而当竞争充满敌意或是很残酷时,就可能产生对抗这就会显现出人的最恶劣的一面。“Competition”usually brings out the best in people , as they strive to be top in their field , whether in sport , community affairs, politics or work. In fact, fair and friendly competition often leads to new sporting achievements, scientific inventions or outstanding efforts in solving a community problem. When competition becomes unfriendly or bitter, though, conflict can begin-and this can bring out the worst in people.Unit8太阳给地球提供的能量非常巨大。太阳照射地球约 40分钟所产生的能量足以供人类使用一年。可以说,太阳能是真正取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。而且太阳能发电绝对清洁,无公害。所以太阳能被誉为理想的能源。The suns capability to power the planet is phenomenal. When exposed to the sun for about 40 minutes, the earth can receive an unimaginably huge amount of energy enough to supply our entire needs for one years energy consumption. Besides, solar power is said to be an inexhaustible source. Solar power is absolutely clean and without pollution. Thus it is regarded as an ideal power to the people.Unit9一名足球裁判因在执法比赛时射入一球而被停职。在艾塞克斯郡足协认定他的行为使那场比赛极不光彩之后,他引咎辞职。萨维尔去年执哨一场比赛时因对一支以 1比 18惨败的球队同情过了头而上了头条新闻。他对泰晤士报说:“他们没有幽默感。我的行动给大家的生活带来了乐趣,它表明裁判工作可以是轻松愉快的,而我们也不是总是吹着哨子满场飞奔的希特勒。A soccer referee suspended for scoring a goal while taking charge of a game has resigned after being found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute by the Essex County Football Association. Savill hit the headlines last year when his sympathy for a team getting beaten 18-1 went too far. “They havent got a sense of humor ,”he told the Times
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