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SummerIts almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city. In south, summer always comes earlier than north. It has been hot for about half a month. The highest temperature reached 37 degree. Now, there are much less people in the street. People are not likely to go out during the summer. Its so hot outside. Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always full filled with people. Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night. Personally, I do not like summer, because its too hot and the sunshine is strong. I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.这几乎是四月底。夏天来了,我们在我的城市。在南方,夏天总是早于北方。它已经热了半个月左右。最高气温达到 37度。现在,有在大街上的人要少得多。人都不可能在暑假期间去。外面这么热。游泳是我的城市中最喜爱的活动。池总是满满的坐满了人。家长们往往带着自己的孩子到游泳池游泳,晚上。就我个人而言,我不喜欢夏天,因为它太炎热,日照强。我出了很多汗,这让我非常难受。因此,夏天对我来说是艰难的时间,我一直期待冬天来。My friendBlair is my classmate as well as my best friend. We have already known each other for ten years. We live in the same block so that we always go to school together. She has long hair, big eyes and sweet smile, which makes her popular in my class. Blair works hard and she is a good student in the eyes of teachers. Besides, she is clever and kindhearted. When others turn to her for help, she always tries her best to help. I feel proud to have such a good friend.布莱尔是我的同学以及我最好的朋友。我们已经知道彼此十年。我们生活在同一个街区,使我们总是一起去上学。她有长头发,大眼睛和甜美的笑容,这使她在班上流行。布莱尔努力工作,并在教师的眼中,她是一个好学生。此外,她是聪明和善良。当别人求助于她,她总是试图她最好的帮助。我感到自豪,有这样一个好朋友。For some, its easy to make new friends in school because they are outgoing. But for some others, it seems difficult. Here are some tips to make friends. Firstly, be positive and outgoing. Only when you are positive and outgoing, others would like to talk to you and then make friends with you. Secondly, develop some interests. Its easier for people to make new friends when you have common interests. They can supply topics to discusse. Thirdly, be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before you talking about yourself. Finally, try to help your friends when they are in trouble, because a friend in need is a friend indeed.一场大雨 A Heavy Rain In spring, the weather changes a lot. In the morning, when I took bus to school, the weather was breezy and comfortable. It thought it would be a great day. However, when I got to school, the sky turned to be gray with the gloomy clouds as well as thunder. After a little while, it started to rain heavily. I was worried because I didnt take my umbrella. I was afraid that I cant go home after class. About thirty minutes later, the rain stopped and it was sunny before long. The air was so fresh and the sky was clear. This is spring.在春季,天气变化很大。在早晨,当我乘搭巴士上学,天气是凉风习习,舒适。它认为这将是一个伟大的日子。然而,当我到学校,天空变成灰色是乌云密布的天空,以及雷声。过了一会儿,开始下起了大雨。我很担心,因为我没有带我的伞。我很害怕,我不能在去下课后回家。大约 30分钟后,雨停了,用不了多久,它是阳光明媚。空气是那么清新,天空晴朗。这就是春天。我的生日 My BirthdayMy birthday is on May 6. My parents and friends celebrate it to me every year. On that day, we usually hold a small birthday party at home and invite my friends to come for a dinner. We chat, watch TV or play games together that we really enjoy ourselves. When we are playing, my parents prepare a delicious dinner. My friends and I like the dishes very much. Of course, I can get some gifts from parents and friends. I am very happy because they always know what I want and need. But, on the other hand, when the birthday comes, I am a year older, so that I must be more sensible and independent. Last but not the least, its also a time to show my appreciation to my parents. They work hard and do their best to bring me up.我的生日是 5月 6日。我的父母和朋友庆祝我每年生辰。在这一天,我们通常在家里举行一个小型的生日派对,邀请朋友来吃饭。我们聊天,看电视或一起玩游戏,我真的很喜欢这天。当我们都在玩,我的父母准备了美味的晚餐。我的朋友和我非常喜欢的菜。当然,我可以得到一些从父母和朋友的礼品。我很高兴,因为他们总是知道我想要什么和需要。但是,另一方面,当生日来临的时候,我长大一岁了,所以我一定要更加理智和独立。最后但并非最不重要的,它也是一个时间来证明我感谢我的父母。他们努力工作,为了尽最大努力给我带来了。保护森林 Protecting the ForestsNow in some places of our country, a number of people have been cutting down the trees in the forests because they need wood and more farmland. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some scientists say that there will be no vast forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. Where the forests disappear, dust storms will occur occasionally. The weather will get hot and dry. The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will not grow anywhere. Life will be difficult for everyone. The human beings will be punished for their forest-destroying activities. Therefore, we should realize the importance of taking care of our forests. We should do our best to protect our living environment and keep mountains green,water clean, and the sky blue.现在,在我国一些地方,一些人一直砍伐森林中的树木,因为他们需要木材和得到更多的耕地。森林面积越来越小。一些科学家说,将在 20年或 30年有没有广袤的森林。这实在是一件可怕的事情。那里的森林消失,沙尘暴,偶尔会出现。天气炎热和干燥的。整个地球将变成一个大沙漠。很多植物和动物将不会在任何地方生长。每个人的生活会很难。其森林破坏活动的人将受到惩罚。因此,我们应该意识到,照顾我们的森林的重要性。我们应竭尽所能,以保护我们的生存环境,保持山绿,水清,天蓝。We have only one globe 我们只有一个地球春分 Vernal EquinoxVernal Equinox or Spring Equin
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