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Chapter 9,Risks for Breast Cancer and Its Treatment,Vocabulary Preview and Exercise,Read the following words and phrases, relating them to their Chinese equivalents.,mammogram n. mastectomy n. lump n. marble n. biopsy n. sentence n. ancestry n. estrogen n.,乳房X线照片 乳房切除术,乳腺摘除术 块,肿块 弹子,大理石 活组织检查,活体检视 宣判,判决 祖先,世系 雌激素,hormonal n. ovulation n. menstruation n. tamoxifen n. herceptin n. receptor n. aggressive a. inherited a.,荷尔蒙的,激素的 排卵 月经,月经期间 他莫昔芬 赫赛汀(治疗乳腺癌药物) 受体,感受器 积极行动的,侵犯的 遗传的,通过继承得到的,mutation n. BRCA1 BRCA2 recur v. hereditary a. disproportionately ad. attributable a. malignancy n.,突变,变异,变种 乳腺易感蛋白1 乳腺易感蛋白2 复发,再发生 遗传的,世袭的 不相称地,不均匀地 可归于的 恶性,恶性肿瘤,恶意,conceal v. mounting a. Caucasian a. / n. calibrate vt. shrimp n. tofu n. sprout n. postmenopausal a.,隐藏,隐瞒,遮住 不断上升的 高加索人(的),白种人 校准,使标准化 虾,矮小的人 豆腐 新芽,嫩枝 绝经后的,reproductive a. scrutiny n. brood n. menstrual a. workout n. strenuous a. invasive a. misinformation n.,生殖的,再生产的 仔细检查,细看 一窝,一家的孩子们 月经的,行经期的 训练,锻炼 用力的,费劲的,勤奋的 侵害的,侵袭的 误传,误报,错误的信息,globalize v. curative a. mobilize v. destine v.,使全球化,全世界化 治疗的,有疗效的 调动,发动,动员起来 命定,注定,指定,Fill in the blank of the following sentences with a suitable word in the grid, changing its form if necessary.,1. Preventive medicine is concerned with preventing disease, whereas _ medicine is concerned with healing. 2. Hawkins was a very emotional man, incapable of _ what he felt from those who knew him best.,curative mobilize destine invasive strenuous scrutiny shrimp conceal malignancy hereditary inherited recur attributable mutation mounting,curative,concealing,3. His doctor advised him not to take any _ exercise until he had completely recovered. 4. The unions _ thousands of workers in a protest against the cuts. 5. Workers are not going to put up with wage controls in the face of _ inflation.,curative mobilize destine invasive strenuous scrutiny shrimp conceal malignancy hereditary inherited recur attributable mutation mounting,strenuous,mobilized,mounting,6. Closer _ of the medical records revealed that the woman had died of blood poisoning. 7. The disease is _ , so there is a chance her daughter may suffer from it, too. 8. Although the treatment for skin cancer is usually successful, the problem can _ later.,curative mobilize destine invasive strenuous scrutiny shrimp conceal malignancy hereditary inherited recur attributable mutation mounting,scrutiny,hereditary,recur,9. Research findings show that women who exercise regularly have a 20% lower risk of _ breast cancer. 10. The _ of these tumors makes them difficult to treat.,curative mobilize destine invasive strenuous scrutiny shrimp conceal malignancy hereditary inherited recur attributable mutation mounting,invasive,malignancy,1. _ 2. _ 3. _,Asking, Listening and Watching,A. Write down three questions on the topic which you find interesting to explore.,B. Listen to an audio clip three times and complete the following passage with the words or phrases from the audio clip.,Breast Cancer Treatment,More than one million new cases of breast cancer are (1) _ every year around the world. But survival rates have (2) _ in recent years in the United States, (3) _ and some other countries. A new report says drug treatments have played a (4)_ part. When breast cancer is found early, before it has (5) _, doctors can operate to (6) _ any disease they find. But some cells may (7) _ that can become cancerous,reported,increased,Britain,major,spread,remove,remain,later in life. So (8) _ treatments aim to prevent breast cancer from coming back. In some cases, the new study found that drugs could (9) _ by half the risk of death from breast cancer within fifteen years. That is, from the time the cancer is found. This (10) _ was shown in middle-aged women with the most common breast cancer. (11) _ _.,additional,reduce,effect,They began with six months of a combination of chemotherapy drugs,Then came five years of the drug tamoxifen. Tamoxifen helps block the effects of estrogen. Estrogen is the hormone linked to the most common kind of breast cancer. The researchers found that (12) _ _. They note that (13) _ _ _.,survival rates were higher fifteen years after treatment than they were after five years,further improvements in long-term survival could result from newer drugs, or from better use of older one,C. Listen to the audio clip “Debate over Mammograms” only once and
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