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11-12外研版英语七下Module 2:教案【教学设计思路】 Spring festival教学设计思路 一、 教学理念充分运用多媒体技术,创设浓厚的学习氛围;创设问题情境,与学生积极互动。力求将课件与教学内容完美结合,渲染氛围,引领学生了解中国春节文化。subject:What traditions do you have at Spring Festival?Teaching content: Reading and writingTeaching method: Task-based approachTeaching aims :Improve students reading ability.Grasp the key words and key structures: be +v.-ingGet information about the festivals.Teaching important points:How to get the information from the passage . Key vocabulary: all the year round, few, a few, etc.Teaching difficult points: To grasp the use of the key vocabulary. 二、Teaching Procedures:Step1:Warming-up Do you know any Chinese festivals? Can you list them?Do you like Spring Festival ? Why? Spring FestivalLantern FestivalMid-Autumn FestivalChildrens Day Teachers Day Dragon Boat Festival设计意图:通过问题式谈论进入到本课重点,帮助学生呈现本课即将所学重点话题。 Get the students to look at the pictures to know traditions about Spring Festival. Call back their ideas in class.clean house spring festival gala dumpling new clothes gift money fireworks greeting relatives and friends 设计意图:播放有关春节习俗的相关图片,另外教师在通过问题,“What traditions do you have at Spring Festival?让学生思考过春节的传统习惯。通过问题进入本课重点,帮助学生呈现本课即将所学话题。Step2 : Fast- Reading Match the photos and the paragraphs. Ask the students to read through the four paragraphs individually, match them with the pictures. Students try to find key words to do it.According to the pictures, students try to find the key words . Picture 1: paper cuts. Picture 2: dinner Picture 3: lantern Picture 4: presents设计意图:在这个环节让学生快速阅读、教师指导、通过匹配段落大意来检测学生对篇章的理解程度。通过快速阅读,让学生对全文有一总体印象,并注意培养学生在阅读过程中掌握浏览、跳读等阅读技巧。Step 3 Carefulreading1. Read these paragraphs carefully.2. Answer these questions. Paragraph A Find key words to describe this paragraph.clean our houses Bad luck paint doors and windows red decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts Good luckhave a haircutkey structure: They are getting ready for Spring Festival.设计意图:通过细读和齐读第一段,让学生深入了解本段内容,概括出春节前的重要词汇。Paragraph B-COn the Eve of the Spring Festival , what do people often do ?put on new clothes visit family and friends have dinner together eat jiao zi / dumplings watch TV have fireworksLet us make some friends, and choose your best friend to answer your question.1.Who give you New Year presents?2.What do you do on New Years Day?3.When are there usually fireworks?4.Why dont we clean the house for a few days?设计意图:带着问题细读文章,了解人们在除夕时都做些什么。为了让学生了解更多本段内容,通过做游戏来检测学生掌握程度。此外通过互动加深同学间的友谊。Paragraph D:Read the last paragraph and check the true sentences1. The New Year Festival finishes at Mid-autumn Day. 2. At Lantern Festival, we usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called jiao zi.3. Yuanxiao bring us good luck all the year round.设计意图:第二次阅读本段,旨在使学生掌握篇章细节信息,并通过判断正误意来检查学生对本段的理解程度。Step 4 TalkingUse the key words and pictures to talk about Spring Festival.We should love Spring Festival .And then I will call some students to say something about Spring Festival.设计意图:使用重要词汇和图片,给学生足够的时间讨论春节习俗,让学生落实到书面及口头,以达到学生能对所学知识做到更好的输出。Step 5 Homework:Write sentences describing Christmas traditions in Britain.设计意图:让学生更深入了解中国春节的文化.同时明白圣诞节就是外国人的春节,和咱们的春节没什么不同,关键在于人们的生活理念发生了变化,对美好生活的追求是每个人的理想,不管圣诞还是春节,祝福人们都能过得好,爱所到之处,幸福就会伴随在哪里。通过感受春节让其写一篇圣诞节的文章. 板书设计 Reading steps:1. Warming up 2. Fast-reading3. Careful-reading4. Talking5 Homework学优中考网 www.xyzkw.com
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