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Multiproduct revenue management An empirical study of Auto Train at Amtrak,指導老師:李治綱博士 學生:陳慧瑛 N97D0021,Soheil Sibdari, Kyle Y.Lin and Sriram chellappan Received (in revised from ):25th July ,2007,Journal of revenue and Pricing Management,Amtrak,Amtrak鐵路公司是美國國營鐵路公司, 1971 年成立。 每天有 265 輛列車在營運,列車行駛的路線橫越美國的 45 個州,所停靠的車站也超過 500 個,每年運送城市裡的乘客數量和通勤者人數超過 7,500 萬人次。 傾斜技術在列車行駛到轉彎路段時一樣能夠很平順,讓乘客在搭乘這輛列車時一路都感到非常舒適。,preface,Amtrak that allows passengers to bring their vehicles on the train Involves working with Amtrak ,provides the sales date of Auto Train From the sales data ,built a mathematical model to develop a pricing system for auto train. An algorithm was developed to calculate the optimal pricing strategy that yields the maximum revenue . Introduced three pricing policies : Myopic policy (seller ignores the effect of its current pricing ) Static-price heuristic Pseudo-Dynamic heuristics,Introduce,Auto train offered by Amtrak is a distinctive service in the US. Passengers bring their vehicles on the train .(as a shuttle between different place , virginia florida ) Selling the tickets about 330 days before the trains departure date . Vehicles: Cars vans/SUVs be accepts by Amtrak. passengers : Different types of accommodations : Super Coach Seat, superliner lower level Coach Seat ,Superliner Roomette Superliner Accessible Bedroom, . The capacities of Accommodations are fixed and has a base price with up to four discount levels,Introduce (II),In this paper, Dynamic pricing strategies in order to “maximise the expected revenue of this service “ Two types of vehicle accommodations :cars & vans/Suvs Two types of passenger accommodations :Super coach Seats & Superliner roomette (sleepers) Two types of tickets must be purchased . For the vehicle depends of the type of vehicle the “party” (group of passengers )plans to bring .(交通工具部份視旅客們駕駛何款式) Passengers can choose their own accommodations . Either buy a coach seat for each passenger or share a sleeper Complete reservation Includes two separate costs Base cost :boarding the Auto Train & cost of coach seats for all passengers ) upgrade cast : “ party” decides to upgrade to a sleeper,Related Researches,1997Gallego and van Ryzin- Multiproduct and continuous time dynamic pricing model -consider a finite-time(期限) horizon during which the products can be sold and after which the unsold products have no value . Amtrak requires manager to change the prices on a daily basis Passengers make a multi-state decision first :decide whether or not to ride the train Second :upgrading their accommodation,Amtrak can set its product prices at the beginning of each day. use dynamic programming to determine each products optimal price at the beginning of each day (變動規則決定每一產品的最佳訂價),Related Researches (II),Amtrak different from railroad revenue management problems :no networking (network-oriented nature and long distance intercity trains) . Requires studying revenue management for bundled products (Auto train) Additional resources of multiproduct revenue management models : Maglaras and Meissner(2006),Talluri and R(2004), You(1999),Ladany and Hersh(1978),talluri(1993).,Analysis of sales data (I),Use Amtraks sales data to analyse the market. Data description sales data: 350tains departing between 10.2002 and 09.2003 Three steps (collecting transaction data ) Customer shopping :customers initiate search by entering parameters (因素)-destination, date of departure Results display :website responds the itinerary detail-vehicle accommodation cost and coach seat cost Customer decision: after comparing the options ,customers decide to purchase the ticket and decide to upgrade the purchase (replacing the regular coach seats with sleepers) Complete reservation :includes tickets of vehicle and passengers two records associated with each identification number Each record represents a transaction and contain time and date of reservation. (a flag indicate whether the reservation cancelled or purchased ),Analysis of sales data (II),data reconstruction Amtrak records the transaction price for each ticket sale ,but does not record the price if no sale occur on a specific day . If on a given day,a few tickets for car accommodations and coach seats were sold ,no sales for van accommodation and sleepers ,no documented information about van and sleepers . Lack of each accommodations daily price prevent up from establishing a correct demand model,Resolve lack of each accommodations daily price Reconstructed the data Assign the transaction price as the price of the accommodation for that day if two price buckets have been charged for the car accommodation during a day. Assume each of which was active for half of that day. No transaction ,last transaction and next transaction are the same.assign that same price for the given day. No transaction ,last transacgion and the next transaction are diffferent .choose the price bucket of the transaction that took place closer to the given day.,Demand estimation recons
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