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Performance Evaluation Report工作表现评估报告 (5-9级)New Hire Probation 新入职试用期评估 Transfer Probation 工作调动评估Promotion Probation 提升试用评估Contract renewal 合同续签评估Business Unit (公司) : Appraised Date(评估日期):_Name (姓名): Date of birth(出生日期):Position(职位): Commencement Date(入店日期):Department(部门): Hotel I.D. Number(被评估者号):Date of report(报告日期): Duration of Review(审核时段):from to o Performance 工作表现等级 ( Attached can be the reference for this scale) 附件重要提示作为此部分评分的参考标准)5Consistently Exceeds Expectations 持续不断的超越期望 Special recognition for extraordinary accomplishments that have significant impact on the organisation. 对于出色完成任务并对组织产生重要影响的特殊认可4Frequently Exceeds Expectations经常超越期望 Consistently effective, performing above what is normally expected. 持续不断的、超越正常期望值的有效表现3Meets Expectations达到期望 Overall solid performance, where areas that could have been better are offset by performance that was beyond expectations. 总体的绩效成绩因其超越期望的强项部分弥补了其弱项部分的不足而达到目标2Almost Attains Expectations基本达到期望 Meets only the minimum position requirements and could improve through development, experience and/or application. 仅达到职位的最低要求,需要通过继续发展、丰富经历和/或运用来获得提高。1Below Expectations未达到期望 Has not kept pace with changing requirements. Successes are occasional and performance is deteriorating. 不能适应变化的要求。成功是偶然的,绩效成绩在不断恶化。ITEM项目 PARTICULARS分项 RATING得分 COMMENTS评语Professional Conduct and Etiquette职业操守及行为 5 4 3 2 1Fair dealing 公平、公正 5 4 3 2 1Honesty廉洁奉公 5 4 3 2 120%Personal Quality个人素质Hospitality Concept服务意识 5 4 3 2 1Technical Knowledge and Experience专业知识及经验 5 4 3 2 1Planning 工作计划 5 4 3 2 1Decision Making决策能力 5 4 3 2 1Control管理控制 5 4 3 2 1Delegation授权工作 5 4 3 2 130%Working ability工作能力Communication沟通能力 5 4 3 2 1Initiative 主动、上进 5 4 3 2 1Attitude to Colleagues (communication & cooperation)对同事态度(合作、协调、 沟通) 5 4 3 2 1Attitude to Guests/visitor对客人和来访人员态度 5 4 3 2 120%Working Attitude工作态度Attention to own work对工作的专注 5 4 3 2 1Ability to identify and solve problems 发现和解决问题的能力 5 4 3 2 1Aim to reach the KPO of his/her own Dept. 对本部门业绩目标的推动 5 4 3 2 1Leadership领导能力 5 4 3 2 120%发展潜力Potential for DevelopmentTraining & Development培训及发展 5 4 3 2 1Hard working and committed to arrangements。任劳任怨,服从领导安排 5 4 3 2 110%服从性Obedience Not offending superior。不顶撞上司。 5 4 3 2 1 OVERALL RATING 总括得分: (90-100) Outstanding PerformanceConsistently Exceeds Expectations 持续不断的超越期望 (80-90) Frequently Exceeds Expectations 经常超越期望 (60-80) Meets Expectations 达到期望 (40-60) Almost Attains Expectations 基本达到期望 (40) Below Expectations 未达到期望 General comments (Appraisee strengths to be encouraged for further development need to be listed)综合评述该被评估者并列明其在工作期间继续保持或发扬之优点 Suggestions (e.g. Training required to improve weaknesses, development to optimum strengthens. Etc.)建议该被评估者在工作表现或个人行为中应该注意、改善之处:The above evaluation is from (section head) _ Position_ Date_以上评估是由(分部门主管): 职位 日期Appraisee attitude and comments towards this evaluation 被评估者本人对此次评核结果的反应 Agree非常接受 Mostly agree基本接受 Indifferent无所谓 Disagree反感 Other suggestions其他意见Appraisee抯 Comments and signature:被评估者意见及签字Department Head抯 Comments:部门经理意见: Confirm as labor contract staff 同意转正 Extend probation to 延长试用期至 _YY年_MM月_DD日 Promote to the position 升职,安排职务 _ Demote to the position 降职,安排职务_ Internal transfer 内部调动,form 从_ to 至_ Salary adjustment 工资调整,form 从_ to 至_ Performance not up to standard, termination should be taken place 不符合要求,必须终止其工作. Other comments (Training and Development Requirement) 其他意见 (培训和发展要求)_Singnature of Department Head 部门经理签署Comments Er Suggestions Of Human Resources Department:人力资源部之评语或意见_Singnature of Human Resources Manager人力资源部经理签署Comments Or Suggestions Of General Manager总经理之评语或意见_General Manager总经理签署This evaluation is confidential and is to be kept in the appraisee抯 personal file by Human Resources Department. Only applicable to General and Supervisory Positions. set by the Department for the appraisee should be the reference of this evaluation.此工作评估适用于酒店所有被评估者,属机密文件,由人力资源部存入被评估者个人档案。
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