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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(第3课时)教学目标:1. 利用分类的方法进行事物归类,达到复习单词与句型的目的. 2. 掌握知识探究内的语法内容。重点单词:fat eat rice star really eating habit want wellhealthy breakfast lunch dinner question 重点句型:Does Tom like carrots? Yes, he does.教学重点:掌握本课时新单词。教学难点:掌握知识探究内的语法内容。教学工具:多媒体,导学案Teaching steps:Step 1: Greeting. 1.Check the homework 2. Have a review by finishing 1a 3. Show the aims by the multi-media. Then ask ss to read aloud the aims of the guide together.Step 2: Self-exploration 1. Complete the vocabulary part 2. Complete the listening part 3. Complete the knowledge part 4. Complete the reading partStep 3: Cooperative communication 1. Check the answers of self-exploration with your group members. 2. Read aloud 2b with your partner and correct pronunciation. 3. Check the answers of 2a and 2c。 4. Role-play the conversation of 1e .Step 4: Results show 1. Ask ss to show the answers to the questions of self-exploration one by one. 2. Ask ss to say the consequences of 2a and 2c. 3. Role play. Ask four groups to make dialogues of 1e. Step 5: Training consolidation 基础题 单项选择 1. We need lots of(许多) _ every day. A. healthy food B. salads C. milks D. vegetable 2. We have _ at seven in the morning. A. breakfast B. egg C. dinner D. lunch 3. We should(应该) eat _ food. It is good for our _. A. health; health B. healthy; healthy C. healthy; health D. Health; healthy 4. Do you have fruit _ lunch? No, I dont. A. on B. for C. at D. of 5. He _ eggs and milk in the morning. A. have B. eat C. eats D. drink 拓展题 从栏中找出栏中的正确答案。 1. Does your father like chicken? A. No, I dont like them. 2. What do you have for breakfast? B. It sounds boring. 3. Do you like bananas? C. Yes, he does. 4. Lets play soccer. D. Eggs and milk. 提升题 根据要求完成句子。 1. Does he like salad? (分别作肯定及否定回答) _ _ 2. 就晚餐而言,玛丽喜欢吃米饭和蔬菜。(汉译英) _ 3. Anna eats healthy food every day. (英译汉) _Step 6: Self-examinationStep 7: Homework 1. Remember the new words. 2. Practice the dialogue in pairs.Step 8:板书 Unit 6 Period 3 Section B (1a-2a)1. Words: fat eat rice star really eating habit want wellhealthy breakfast lunch dinner question 2. healthy的用法。For breakfast/lunch/dinner。like/have +食品+for+某餐。 want to be. 3. Homework
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