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Unit 2 School lifeWelcome &Reading一、教材分析:This lesson aims to learn the differences between British English and American English and know the school lives in British school and American school.二、教学目标:1.To learn different words which mean the same thing between British English and American English. 2. To know the school lives in British school and American school. 3. To learn to read and understand the article with different ways of reading. 4. To learn how to understand the writers opinion. 三、教学重点: To know the meanings of the new words: mixed, buddy, language, during, discuss, offer, guy, French, foreign, end, baseball, win四、教学难点:1. To understand the meanings of the phrases: in Year 8=in Grade 8,a mixed school, bring in, a Reading Week, the end of sth., as well, twice a week, spend time doing sth., offer sb. help, each other.2. To catch the main information about Lives in a British school and an American school. 五、教学策略:1. SituationalTeachingApproach 2. The Audio-Lingual Method六、教学准备:ppt, tape七、教学环节:Step 1: Lead-in1. Show the comic strip and ask the question: Do you think dogs need to go to school?2. Listen and answer. Why dont dogs go to school? What does Eddie think school is like?What do you think school is like?3. Listen the tape again and complete the dialogue.Step2: Welcome to the unit1. Show a map of the word and go over some words with the same meaning.2. Go through Part A on Page 19. 3. Ss underline the British words and write the American words in Part B, P19. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and check the answers. Step 3: Reading 1. Show some pictures and present some new words and expressions such as: a mixed school, baseball, French, foreign language discuss, buddy club, offer, win, a reading week 2. Ask Ss to finish Part B1.3. Ask Ss to read quickly and find out the answers Do you like your school?How many lessons do you have every day? Whats your favorite subject?How long do you do sports every day? Whats your school life like? 4. Play the tape for Ss to listen and find out the main ideas of the two passages.No.1: Life in a British SchoolNo:2: Life in an American School 5. Find the words and fill in the blanks. 6. Part B2. Complete the description of each picture. 7. Part B3. Answer the T or F questions and check the answers. 8. Part B4. Complete Daniel and Kittys conversation with the words in the box.Step 4: Language points1. 1.in Year 8 =in the 8th grade 在八年级2.a mixed school 一所男女混合学校3.have lessons together 一起上课4.among all my subjects 在我所有的科目中among 表示的是三者及其以上,在之中5.learn foreign languages 学习外语6.during the Reading Week 在读书周期间 during 表示在期间 在暑假期间 during the summer holiday7. borrow books from the library 从图书馆借书 borrow sth from sb 向某人借某物,例如: 我向桑迪借了自行车。 I borrowed the bike from Sandy. 8. bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志9. read more books than my classmates 比我同学读的书多 more.than. 比多,例如: 汤姆的CD比西蒙的多。 Tom has more CDs than Simon.10.near the end of the week 在阅读周快要结束的时候 near the end of . 在快要结束/接近尾声的时候. 例如: 在快到月底的时候 near the end of the month11. discuss the books with our classmates discuss sth with sb 和某人谈论 例如:他经常和父亲谈论学习。 He usually discusses study with his father.12. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 我们在阅读有趣的书籍时,时间似乎过得更快。 seem to do 似乎 响声好像持续了大约十分钟。 The noise seemed to last for about ten minutes. when we are reading interesting books 是时间状语从句。在从句中要用陈述语序代替疑问语序。13. help new students learn more about the school 帮助新同学更了解学校14. listen carefully to my problems 认真聆听我的问题 carefully 仔细地,认真地,副词。在本句中用来修饰动词。 15. offer me help 主动给我帮助 offer sb sth 给某人某物. 同义短语offer sth to sb 例如:我们可以向他人提供帮助。 We can offer others help.= We can offer help to others.16. end earlier than usual 比平时结束的更早 end 动词 结束,还可作名词,表示尽头,末端,结束17. twice a week 每周两次 注意:就时间的频率提问用 How often?18. play baseball 打棒球19. practice doing sth. 练习做,例如: 男孩子们在练习打篮球,女孩子们在练习跳舞。 Boys are practicing playing basketball and girls are practicing dancing.Step 5: Consolidation1. Conclude the phrases that has been mentioned in the two passages2. Complete the passages to revise the part of reading.3. Complete the sentences according to the hints.He is a _ man. (Britain)We often practice _ (play) softball after school.Julie and Sandy are my _. (hero)How many s_ do you learn at school?_ (two) a week, I play softball after school.Today is Sandys _ (nine) birthday.We must practice _ (speak) as often as we often.Our school has a _ (read) week every week.She spends _ (少) money on books than you.Step 6: Homework1. Write an article about your school lif
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