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2012中考英语9A人教新课标Unit 1 Star signs复习提纲(短语) 一.【精挑细选短语】1. read your stars看你的星相 star signs星座,animal signs属相 (p6)2. have lots to eat and drink有许多吃的和喝的不定式作后置定语,如:have a lot to celebrate。3. divideinto把分成be divided into被分成 (p8)【知识链接】Divide the cake into nine halves. A year is divided into 12 different star signs.4. energetic and active精力充沛又积极进取,creative and imaginative富有创造力和想像力【知识链接】be energetichave lots of energy精力充沛 active积极的activity活动5. at timessometimesfrom time to timenow and then有时;不时;偶尔6. do not give up easily不轻易放弃give up放弃,“动词副词”,如:give it/them up【知识链接】never give up永不放弃,e.g. Thomas Edison was a man who never gave up. give up doing sthstop doing sth放弃做某事,e.g. give up smokingstop smoking戒烟 Do not give up studying Maths. Its very important and useful.7. love your home and family love ones home and family爱家顾家,不能用house代替home。8. argue with others与别人争论argue with sb与某人争论,argue with sb about sth (p9)【知识链接】The two children argued with each other about what TV programmes to watch.9. dream about everything梦想一切;憧憬一切dream vt.做梦 n.梦;梦想【知识链接】dream of/about sb/sth梦到某人/某事,dream about/of doing sth 梦想做某事,have/dream adream做了一个的梦 梦想,常用于Sbs dream is to do sth.10. spend a lot of time explaining things to us explain sth to sbexplain to sb sth向某人解释某事【知识链接】不能用explain sb sth表达“向某人解释某事” 。explain explanation n.解释explain to sb疑问词不定式,e.g. He explained to me how to deal with it.【用法拓展】provide sb with sthprovide sth for sb,不能写成provide sth to sb或provide sb sth。11. show off炫耀Wilson likes to show off his new car.威尔逊喜欢炫耀他的新车。 (p12)12. do an experiment in the laboratory在实验室里做实验do/make an experiment做实验 (p16) 【知识链接】experiment n.(C)实验,e.g. a physics/chemistry experiment物理/化学实验laboratory简写作lab,language lab语音室,biology lab生物实验室13. collect pictures of all kinds of butterflies收集各种各样的蝴蝶图片all kinds of各种各样的14. the first cloned sheep第一只克隆绵羊过去分词cloned作前置定语,如:a fallen leaf落叶【用法拓展】过去分词短语作后置定语,如:books borrowed from the school library15. on the phone打电话,常用于be on the phone打电话的Sb be wanted on the phone.【知识链接】Sandy has been on the phone for half an hour. 桑迪打电话已经半个小时了。You are wanted on the phone.有你的电话;有人打电话找你。16. have his bicycle repaired修自行车Peter has had his bicycle repaired.彼得已修好自行车了。【知识链接】Sb have sth done.某人(让别人)做某事,主语不是动作的执行者。e.g. He had his hair cut yesterday.昨天他理发了。“他”不能做出“cut理发”这一动作。The Egyptian kings had their tombs built thousands of years ago. “古埃及国王”不能自己“建造坟墓”,必须由别人来建造。17. find a wallet lying on the ground发现地上有个钱包注意该动词短语中不能用原形lie【知识链接】find sb/sth lying地点,发现某人或某物在某处,I found a cat lying under the chair.18. have problems with ones health health, healthy, unhealthy, healthier, healthiest, healthily (p18)【用法拓展】填词:Smoking is bad for your (健康). If you want to be (健康) and thinner, you should practise more. If you get lots of rest and eat (健康), you wont get sick.19. have success at school or work around the middle of the month大约本月中旬在学习或工作中获得成功【知识链接】succeedsuccesssuccessfulsuccessfully have successsucceedbe successful获得成功 have success in doing sthsucceed in doing sthdo sth successfully成功做某事e.g. have success in passing the entrance examssucceed in passing the entrance exams20. come up with new ideas come up withthink of想出;想起 (p19)21. recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students Union the Students Union学生会【知识链接】recommend sb as推荐某人为sb be recommended as某人被推荐为,e.g. He was recommended as our monitor.【注意】recommend sb for推荐某人做某事,recommend her for the Best Actress Award recommend sth to sbrecommend sb sth推荐某物给某人,e.g. recommend it to us22. get full marks得满分,get good marks得高分,make a speech to a large group of people演讲23. do extra work做额外的工作 extra largeXL (服装等)特大号 S, M, L小、中、大号24. have many good personal qualities具有许多良好的个人素质quality n.素质;质量,speak in front of the whole school在全校师生前面演讲,help with our class project帮助我们处理班级事务,have all the qualities to be a good chairperson具备一名优秀主席所应有的素质 (p22)25. the most suitable person最合适的人选be suitable for适合,ASSEMBLY is suitable for students.学优中考网 www.xyzkw.com
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