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2012中考英语Go for it版9年级Units 11一12复习名师学案01该系列复习学案的01是:词汇、短语、句型。02是:夯实课本基础知识。03是:复习同步训练题及答案。是一套完整的Go for it版复习资源。第21讲九年级Units 1112要点梳理【词汇拓展】1relaxed(adj)放松的relax(n)放松;休息relaxing(adj)有助于休息的;令人放松的2polite(adj)有礼貌的politely(adv)有礼貌地;文明地impolite(adj反义词)失礼的;粗鲁的politeness(n)礼貌3close(adj)接近的close(饥)关上closed (adj)关着的4western(n谚武)西方的west(n)西方5crowd(v)挤满;充满crowded(adj)拥挤的 uncrowded(adj反义词)不拥挤的;宽敞的6organized(adj)有组织的organize(n)组织organization(n)组织;机构7custom(n)风俗;习惯customer(n)顾客8beside(prep)在旁边;在附近besides(adv&prep)此外,以及;除之外9inexpensive(adj)不昂贵的-*expensive(adj反义词)昂贵的10wonder(v)觉得奇怪;想知道一wonderful (adj)精彩的 *【重点短语】1buy shampoo买洗发水 2get some magazines买杂志3make a telephone call打电话 4saveexchange money存兑换钱5buy some writing paper买书写纸6take the elevatorescalator to 乘电梯扶梯到 7turn leftright向左右转8take a vacation度假 9dress up as clowns打扮成小丑10take dance lessons上舞蹈课 111end sbsthlend sthto sb 把某物借给某人12ask for information or help询问信息或求助 13make requests请求14depend on依靠 151ead into a question or request导人问题或要求16betweenand 在和之间17a good place to eathang out吃饭闲逛的好地方18the worlds largest water slides世界上最大的水滑道19on the other hand在另一方面 20in some situations在某些场合21in order(not)to为了(不) 22table manners餐桌礼仪23(not)talk at the table(不要)在饭桌上说话24pick up the bowl to eat端起碗吃饭25wipe your,mouth with your napkin用餐巾擦嘴26(not)make noise while eating(不要)在吃东西时发出声音27(not)stick the chopsticks into your food(不要)把筷子插入食物里28(not)point at anyone with your chopsticks(不要)用筷子指向任何人29be supposed to do sth 应该做某事 30shake hands握手31make mistakes犯错误 32be relaxed about对随意33drop by顺便拜访 34make plans to do sth 制订计划做某事35getbe angry生气 36go out of ones way to do sth特地(不怕麻烦)做某事37make sbfeel at home使某人感到宾至如归38beget used to(doing)sth 习惯于(做)某事39find it difficult to do sth 发现做某事困难 40make appointments约会41give compliment赞美,恭维 42make a toast祝酒;敬酒43have online conversations with sb 和某人网上聊天44make faces做鬼脸 45cant stop doing sth 禁不住做某事461earnby oneself自学47for the first time第一次 48the wrong way(用)错误的方式49on time准时 50the land of watches手表王国51after all毕竟,终究 52first of all首先 53written English书面英语54in the traditional way用传统的方式 55at the proper time在适当的时间*【重点句型】1Excuse meCould you please tell me where the restrooms are?打扰一下,你能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?2Excuse meDo you know where I can buy some shampoo?打扰一下,你知道我在哪儿能买到洗发水吗?3Could you tell me how to get to the post office?你能告诉我怎样到达邮局吗?4Can you tell me where theres a good place to eat?你能告诉我哪儿有吃饭的好地方吗?5Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown?你能告诉我在新镇有没有好的博物馆?6Do you know if there are any public restrooms around here?你知道这儿附近有没有公共厕所吗?7What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?当你第一次遇到某人时,你应该做什么? Youre supposed to shake hands你应该握手。8When were you supposed to arrive?你应该什么时候到达? 1 was supposed to arrive at 7:00我应该在7点钟到。9You should have asked what were supposed to wear你本应该问一问你该穿什么衣服。10You aren。t supposed to make noise while eating你不应该在吃东西时发出声音。11You shouldnt eat or drink while walking down the street你不应该在沿街走路时边走边吃喝。12Its politerude to do是礼貌的粗鲁的。*学优中考网 www.xyzkw.com
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