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2012中考英语:情景作文满分训练01【附参考范文】 1、周末你在北京动物园做导游,请你写一篇100词左右的短文,向美国朋友介绍我国的国宝-大熊猫。表中所给出的情况供你参考。Panda: from the west of ChinaNumber: fewer than 100 wild pandas Color: black and whiteWeight: baby pandas: 1.5 kilos; adult pandas: over 1900 kilos.Food: bamboo leavesIn danger: People kill them for their fur.参考范文 Pandas are the protective and endangered animals in China. Theyre from the west of China. They are very kind and shy. They look so beautiful and cute. Their color is white and black. And a baby panda weighs about 1.5 kilos. But an adult one can weigh as much as 100 kilos. Pandas feed on bamboo leaves. The number of wild pandas in China is fewer than 100 now. People hunt and kill them for their fur. We must stop people from killing those and we must work together to protect the cute animals. If we dont protect them, maybe in the next hundred years we cant see pandas on the earth anymore. *2、下面有四幅图,请你仔细观察,然后用英语描述图中的内容要求:1、写出图中的主要内容; 2、字数80 左右参考范文 There were many people in the park. Suddenly a man threw banana skin onto the ground. A girl student saw it happen. She came up to the man and told him to pick up the banana skin from the ground, and told him not to do that again. The man didnt do as the girl said. At last she persuaded him. The man said sorry and picked it up and threw it into the dustbin.*3、下面有四幅图,请你仔细观察,然后用英语描述图中的内容要求:1、写出图中的主要内容; 2、字数80 左右参考范文 A boy was on his way to school by bike. There was a girl in front of him. She was also on her bike. When the girl was crossing the street, she was hit by a motorbike. The girl fell down on the ground. When the boy saw it happen, he quickly came up to help her and sent her to hospital. In the hospital the doctor looked over the girl. She got good treatment there. *4、你是柳英,申请到一家公司工作。对方要求你用英语写一篇短文,介绍自己的基本情况。要求含有的基本情况如下:姓名:柳英 出生年月:1980年2月毕业学校:十堰市第一中学(1998-2001)所学学科:语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、计算机等特长:英语、计算机(去年在全校计算机竞赛中获得第一名)爱好:游泳、滑旱冰、集邮、听流行音乐词数在80词左右参考范文 My name is Liu Ying. I was born in Shiyan, Hubei in February 1980. I studied in No. One Middle School from 1998 to 2001. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my free time I enjoy listening to pop music and collecting stamps. My favourite sports are swimming and roller-skating.*5、 李莉是我的同学,在住院治疗。有一天,我们去看她,医生说她还要住很长时间,因为她的病情严重,而且要花很多钱。但是她家很穷,支付不起她的费用。于是,我们就向报社写了封信,请求人们来帮助她。后来,在医生的帮助下,她的病好了,她非常感激,决心努力学习,赶上我们。 要求词数在100左右。参考范文 Li Li is my good classmate. She has been in hospital for half a year since she fell ill.We went to the hospital to see her one day. She lay in bed with a sad look. Her doctor told us that her illness was very serious and she had to stay in hospital for a long time.How could her poor peasant family pay for the medicine she needed? We decided to do something. We wrote a letter to a newspaper and asked all the people to help her. With the help of the doctors, Li Li is getting better and better now. She said thanks to all of us and expressed that she would study harder to catch up with us.*6、 John住在学校(N02Middle School)。同学Betty到他住处请他参加韩红的生日聚会,碰巧他不在。以下是Betty给他的留言条。请你根据所给材料,将留言条的内容补充完整。注意:1地点:图中标 处是王红家。 2聚会内容:唱歌、跳舞、吃蛋糕。June 19th Dear John,I came to see you but you were out. Tomorrow is Wang Hongs birthday. _(1) tomorrow afternoon._(2). Well be very happy if you will come.Wang Hongs home is not far from our school. If you come, you may go straight along the Peoples Road, then _(3). _(4). Wang Hongs home is just beside the cinema._(5). Hope to see you at the party.Yours, Wang Bin参考范文 1. Well hold a party at Wang Hongs home 2. Well dance, sing and well also have a cake. 3. turn right at the Happy Road 4. Walk along the Happy Road until you get to the cinema 5. You cant miss it*6、根据所给的四幅图来描述Mr Smith上班路上所发生的事情要求:(1) 意思连贯、符合逻辑,能表达出完整的意思;(2) 所给提示词语必须全部用上;(3)字数不少于80词,开头的词语不计算在内。提示词语:miss, sad, late, wait, half an hour, come, get on, something important, One morning, Mr. Smith _
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