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学优中考网(www.xyzkw.com)每天发布最有价值的中考资料!九年级英语上册 Unit 4 TV programmes Grammar(1)精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A Unit4 Grammar(1)学习目标知识目标如何使用时间介词 between and 和 from to ;如何使用时间状语从句的连接词before, after, “until”能力目标能运用恰当的时间介词和时间连词谈论生活;情感目标科学、合理地安排自己的生活时间学习重点如何用恰当的时间介词和时间连词谈论生活学习难点如何用恰当的时间介词和时间连词谈论生活课前自学一、 翻译下列已学过的句子。1.从9点到12点,我不得不看电视。2.然后我要吃午饭,再从2点到7点小睡一会儿。3.Tiger Watch于2004到2006年在印度拍摄。4. 在颁奖开始之前,我们要采访一些明星。5. 直到看到结尾,你才能找出答案。6. 在你看完这个节目后,你就能认识到老虎面临着多大的危险。二、结合书上例句,区分fromto 与betweenand的用法、理解before, after与 until的用法。用这些时间词分别造句。fromto betweenand before after until 三、根据下表,写一篇短文。6:00Wake up7:00Have breakfast7:30Go to school8:00 a.m.-16:00 p.m.At school16:10Play sports18:00Have dinner19:00-21:00Do homework21:30Go to bedMillie”s day 课堂交流展示Step1.自学习题1展示(1-3句)Step2. Work out the rule: how to use fromto. between and ?(1)The action lasts for a period of time. There is no pause or interruption. We use (2)The action happens at a dot of time during the period. we use 做一份电视节目预告单:00p.m.ews7:30p.m.Weather report7:35p.m.Focus interview8:05p.m.Drama series:The three kingdomsNews is on Tv 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m.Step3. 自学习题1展示(4-6句)Using before, after and until.Work out the rule: means at an earlier time than; means at a later time than; means up to the time that.(1)I do my homework before I have dinner (同义转换) I have dinner , Ido my homework.(2)After I finish my homework, I go to bed.I go to bed I finish my homework.比较:until 与notuntilStep4. Millies dayStep5.用fromto, betweenand, after, before, until说出你的生活。课堂达标检测一、选词填空from to betweenand before when if after until1. I wont go to bed _ my mother comes back.2. He could swim _he was five years old.3. You may come to my office _ 9:00 a.m. _ 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.4. We go to school _ Monday _ Saturday.5. Tom will go skating with us _ he has time.二、英汉互译1.全世界 2.新闻摘要 3.天气预报 4.洗淋浴 5.中国少年 6.戏剧俱乐部 三、翻译下列句子1. 我们一直走到河边为止。_2. 吃饭前先洗手。_3. 他在油漆了窗户之后, 开始油漆门。_4. 他到十岁时才会游泳。_5. 他在过马路前向两边看了看。 学习感悟:Grammar(1)一、选词填空1.until 2. when 3. between and 4. from to 5. if二、翻译1. We walked until we got to the river.2. Wash your hands before you have meals.3.After he painted the windows, he painted the doors.4. He couldnt swim until he was ten.5. He looked both ways before he crossed the road.第4页 共4页
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