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学优中考网(www.xyzkw.com)每天发布最有价值的中考资料!九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Welcome to the unit精品学案 牛津译林版课题9A unit 3 Welcome to the unit学习目标知识目标谈论中学生在学习、交友与家人的关系等方面遇到的问题。能力目标思考个人问题及解决问题的方法。情感目标通过本课学习,让同学们了解成长的烦恼并能妥善解决。学习重点学习关于个人问题的一些词汇。学习难点学会运用关于个人问题的词汇和短语。课前自学一、 根据提示写出相应的单词。1. I didnt sleep well last night, so I feel _(疲劳) now.2. Look at me _(肚子). I am full now.3. When he read the bad news, he went _(发疯的).4. If we dont take good care of ourselves, we will be _(不健康).5. My brother often _(打扰) me, when I do my homework.6. _(不幸运地), he hurt his leg badly and had to stay in bed.二、从课文中找出下列短语和句型,并把它们翻译成汉语。1. get fat _2. eat too much _3. try more exercise_4. get enough sleep_5. feel tired _6. drives me mad_7. close friends _8. feel lonely_9. make a lot of noise_10. all day_11. Its unhealthy for you to eat too much. _课堂交流展示一、检查预习作业。二、呈现:我们大多数青少年都有成长的烦恼,当我们有烦恼时,我们应该向老师、朋友或者家人倾诉。先让我们来了解一下Eddie和Hobo有什么烦恼呢?听录音回答下列问题:1) What is unhealthy for Eddie? _2) What is Hobos suggestion? _3)Why does Hobo tell Eddie not to eat too much? _三、表演对话。四、许多同学都有烦恼,你有吗?请大家完成43页A部分。并和你的同桌核对一下答案,看谁对的多。五、完成43面B部分。然后请按顺序读出。六、请写一写What are your problems?_课堂达标检测一、翻译下列短语。1、变胖_2、感到疲劳_3、有足够的睡眠_4、使某人发疯_5、不时地_6、一位密友_7、感到孤独_8、整天_9、有足够的时间_10、太多的考试_11、吃得太多_12、发出噪音_二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. I dont get enough _(睡眠).2. Danial has no _(亲密的) friends. he feels lonely.3. _(跑步) and swimming are good for you.4. My little sister often _(打扰) me when I am studying.5. My cousin always makes a lot of _ (噪音) when I am sleeping.三、翻译句子。1. 吃得太多对你是不健康的。_2. 我家里的电视总是开着。_3. 大多数学生睡眠不足,这是个严重的问题。_4. 有的父母整天忙于工作,他们没时间陪孩子。_总31课时一、1.get fat 2.feel tired 3.get enough sleep 4.drive sb mad 5. from time to time 6. a close friend 7.feel lonely 8.all day 9.have enough time 10. too many exams 11.eat too much 12.make a lot of noise二、1.sleep 2.close 3.Running 4. disturbs 5.noise 三、1. Its unhealthy for you to eat too muchEating too much is unhealthy for you .2.The TV is always on at my home .3. Most students dont get enough sleep, it is a serious problem. 4.Some parents work all day. They dont have time for children .第4页 共4页
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