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Unit 7 Task课 题Unit 7 Task主 备Zhu Shiqiang主核赵玉宇使用者 武传虎课 型Writing使用日期2014.12【学习目标】1. To learn to write an outline before writing.2. To learn how to write ones favourite seasona(s).第一次集体备课(通案)第二次备课(个案)【导入新课】1.T.show pictures on Harbin,and then ask Sts. questions and encourage them to find answers from pictures and leads them to answer correctly.(1)Whichseason is it in the pictures?Winter(2)What is the weather like?It is cold and snowy.(3)What do people wear?They wear thick warm clothes.(4)What are people doing?They are making slowmen and having big snow fights.(5)What are the rivers and lakes like?They are frozen.2.Show further pictures on Harbin to introduce new words:deep,land,exciting,throw,ice,everywhere,snowman,screamLead Sts. to read them.【板书课题】Unit 7 Task【学习目标】1.To learn to write an outline before writing.2.To learn how to write ones favourite seasona(s).【自学指导】Step 1 Reading (Part A)1.T.says:Harbin is the city of ice and snow.Winter in Harbin is amazing. Simon is reading an article about it on the Internet. Read the article quickly and find the answers to these questions.T.present the questions:(1)Which season does the author like best?He/She likes winter best.(2)Why does the author like winter?Because he/she loves playing outside with friends in winter.(3)What is the weather like? The temperature is usually bellow zero and it is often snowy.(4)Can you see beautiful flowers and green trees during this season?No, but the land is quiet and beautiful.(5)What else does the author enjoy in winter?Why? The Ice Festival. Because there are beautiful ice lanterns everywhere.2.T.plays the tape and asks Sts. to listen to the tape and repeat after it.3.Ask several students to read the message loudly,One st. reads one paragraph,then read together.Step 2 Action (Part B)1.T.says:I will divide you into four groups.Each group will discuss one paragraph and tell us what information it includes.2.T.helps sts. to conclude the following:Paragraph 1:. is my favorite season. 2.The temperature is usually. It is often sunny/windy/rainy. During this season you can/cannot. 3.My friends and I often. Moreover,I enjoy. 4.is great!3.Ask sts.to discuss:Can you think of questions to match the information in the article? And then T. summarize sts.results of discussing and lists related questions to describing favourite seasons:(1)Your favorite season?(2)What is the weather like then?(3)What does your city look like?(4)Why do you like this season?(5)Are there any holidays or festivals during the season?(6)What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?4.Sts. read the above questions,then check in groups,and last, write out their own answers.5.T. shows several sts. answers to ask severalsts. to state orally.Step 3 Writing (Part C)1.Ask sts. to write according to their own information.2.After writing, T.asks sts. to correct their mistakes such as spellings,structures e.t.Check each others unperfect information in the group-Work in groups of four. Please read your group members articles.3.T.shows some better writings and discuss them.And then asks sts. to read the following sample writing:Sample writing:SummerMy favorites eason is summer. Some people think the weather is too hot, but I enjoy summer in Sanya.The temperature is usually high and sometimes it rains heavily.You can see bright flowers and green trees everywhere.The sea is blue and it looks particularly beautiful at sunset.I love swimming in the sea.It is really relaxing. My friends and I also like lying in the sun and eat ice cream on the beach.I love diving deep into the sea because I can see colorful fish there.Summer is exciting.【堂清知识】1.Remember the words, phrases and sentence paterns weve learnt today.2.Complete writing. 【当堂检测】I. 根据提示用合适的单词填空。1. There is i_ on the road after the snow. You must drive carefully.2. The lake is about two metres d_. It is dangerous to swim in it.3. What an e_ match it is! We couldnt help screaming from beginning to end.4. The boys _ (掷) snowball at each other. They enjoyed snowball fights. 5. The factory bought a piece of _ (土地) near the village. II. 本周班级板报的主题是My Favourite Season。请根据提示用合适的句子填空。Favourite season: springHow the weather is: warmer, comfortable windTemperature: not too high or too lowWhat you can see: green trees, colourful flowers everywhereYour favourite activities: going hiking, flying kites My favourite season is spring. In spring, _. And _. The temperature is not too high or too low. The world comes to life in spring. _. Spring is good for many outdoor activities._. I can enjoy the fresh a
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